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Writer's pictureSherine Elkhazendar

Building a New World - Chapter 11

Updated: Aug 1

Chapter 11: Your Name is Little Gray

Upon returning home, Jia Zhengjin tied the little Koblold to the wooden box.

As soon as it touched the ground, the little creature quickly squeezed into the gap between the box and the wall, with only a trembling rope visible.

"Coward!" Jia Zhengjin chuckled, glancing at the Kobold hiding its head like an ostrich.

There was still some time before sunset. Jia Zhengjin locked the little kobold inside and went to the back of the house with his iron axe to chop trees and clear grass.

While collecting logs and plant fibers, he could also expand the foundation area, making it convenient to build more buildings in the future!

To survive well in this other world, a single stone house wasn't enough. As his level increased, skill points could be used to unlock new technologies.

He would need space for facilities like A blacksmith's shop to forge higher quality tools and weapons, a watchtower to expand vision and scout the surroundings, an alchemy lab to concoct magical potions, and even the chance to unlock a [Mechanical Factory] in the late game to produce modern high-tech weapons!

All of those needed to be built step by step.

Rome wasn't built in a day! With patience, Jia Zhengjin believed he could build a fully modernized otherworld city of his own, just like in the game!

But it was exhausting~~ After working continuously for two to three hours, Jia Zhengjin's body felt sore and tired, his body reached its limit! Despite still having stamina points, his physical body couldn't keep up.

"Since I've been transported to another world with game-like abilities, couldn't they have also modified me to never need rest or get tired like a game character?" Jia Zhengjin complained, putting away his iron axe and returning with a backpack full of logs and plant fibers.

"Today's food is still coconuts..." Sitting by the campfire, Jia Zhengjin sipped coconut juice while longing for delicious meat, "It seems I'll need to find a way to improve my diet tomorrow. If only I hadn't buried the kobolds' corpses earlier, perhaps kobold meat would taste good?"

Thinking of kobold meat, he couldn't help but look back at the little kobold hiding behind the wooden box. Though small, it would probably be enough for a few meals, right?

As soon as the thought occurred, he shook his head: "Forget it, I don't eat dog meat, and I couldn't bring myself to harm such a small kobold child! I'll think of other ways tomorrow. Fishing is out without a crafting table for hooks, and I haven't mastered spear fishing yet! Maybe I can check if there's anything easier to catch in the river. Taste doesn't matter for now, as long as it's meat! Yeah, that's the plan!"

If not for fear of encountering undead at night, Jia Zhengjin would have gone to the riverside right away.

But he dared not venture into the forest at night, who knows what other dangerous nocturnal creatures might be out there besides the undead?

At least staying at home was safe for now, and the surrounding ground spike traps provided some peace of mind, as long as those annoying mushrooms didn't show up again today.

For now, he'd have to make do with coconut meat!

Using his knife to dig out a large chunk of white coconut flesh, Jia Zhengjin imagined it was delicious chicken, indulging in his fantasy.

"Awoo~~" Halfway through eating, he heard the pitiful whimpering of the little kobold, sounding cute and babyish.

It was probably hungry too, so it mustered the courage to crawl out from the gap, cautiously observing Jia Zhengjin.

"Little Gray, are you hungry too?" Jia Zhengjin turned around, casually cutting a piece of coconut meat and tossing it over, "Can you eat this?"

The little kobold couldn't understand Jia Zhengjin's Mandarin, otherwise, it would surely protest being called such a common name. Though it probably didn't know that in rural areas on Earth, most dogs were simply named Little Gray...

Seeing Jia Zhengjin turn around, the little kobold immediately scurried back into the gap, trembling. After a while, when nothing unusual happened, it cautiously poked its head out and noticed the coconut meat thrown nearby.

Jia Zhengjin pretended not to see and continued eating his coconut with his back turned.

The kobold hesitated for a moment, then finally reached out with its paw to grab the coconut meat while keeping an eye on the back of Jia Zhengjin's head.

It curiously sniffed the coconut meat, then blinked and stuck out its little tongue to taste it. Apparently finding it edible, it immediately stuffed it into its mouth and began chewing eagerly.

Honestly, just watching it eat, one might mistake it for a human child.

Jia Zhengjin tossed over a few more pieces of coconut meat. The little kobold always hid first. Only when Jia Zhengjin pretended to turn away would it cautiously take the coconut meat and continue eating.

Jia Zhengjin ate until his stomach was full, and the little kobold's belly became round too. It was clear that this little creature was definitely an omnivore, eating both meat and plants, just like Jia Zhengjin!

Although it had eaten Jia Zhengjin's food, the little kobold was still very afraid of him and quickly retreated to hide in the gap.

Jia Zhengjin had kept pets before, so he knew that initially, in a strange environment, facing an unfamiliar owner, small animals would behave this way. With time and interaction, they would gradually become familiar with their new environment and no longer afraid!

So he didn't bother the little kobold now, letting it hide while he retrieved twelve iron ingots he had successfully smelted earlier from the now-extinguished furnace.

With the iron axe and pickaxe, he didn't need other tools for now. A stone shovel was enough for digging holes and making traps; there was no need for a good iron shovel. After all, resources were limited in the early stages.

Moreover, unlike in games where characters could respawn after death, if Jia Zhengjin died, it would likely be a permanent Game Over! So he used these twelve iron ingots to make what was currently most suitable - a [Poor Quality Iron Shield].

With this low-quality shield, he would have a chance to turn the tide when facing some not-so-large monsters.

For example, when encountering skeletons like those on the beach earlier, Jia Zhengjin believed he could defeat them head-on with the iron shield in his left hand and a stone spear in his right!

Of course, if he encountered that giant bird that could use lightning or the fire-breathing giant snake, it wouldn't make much difference! Even the triceratops he saw during the day could easily crush him despite the shield.

This world was still very dangerous, and he had to remain humble at all times!

Reminding himself of this, Jia Zhengjin put away the shield and took out the stone blocks, logs, and plant fibers he had collected during the day. He began crafting stone axes to increase his tool-crafting level. One last push before going to sleep!

Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

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