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Writer's pictureSherine Elkhazendar

Building a New World - Chapter 2

Updated: Jul 20

Chapter 2: Really Transmigrated

With the sound of waves crashing against the beach, A few sea beetles were pushed ashore by the waves and hurriedly ran back into the water.

From the endless forest by the coast came the sounds of what seemed like monkeys.

With golden hair, a slim body, and strange clothes, Jia Zhengjin looked down at a body completely different from his previous body and realized that the ghost messenger was real! He had taken ownership of the body of a stranger, and that body was of a blond boy.

Fortunately, he was still a man and still human.

One moment he was in the internet cafe, and after being hit by that strong light, he woke up on this desolate beach. There were some broken planks and masts in the water, and many motionless bodies on the beach.

It seemed he had been revived in the body of a human from another world who had been shipwrecked and washed ashore. But apart from borrowing this body, he had no memories that originally belonged to the previous owner of this body, so he knew nothing about this world.

But it was definitely not Earth, because among the bodies on the beach was a furry creature. This creature was dressed, had hands and feet, and looked somewhat human. But its head was that of a terrifying lion. His head looked like a real lion's head!

A beastman! Jia Zhengjin examined the body and confirmed it was a real creature, not a fake. This meant he had transmigrated to a world with beastmen!

The ship's supplies had sunk into the sea. Fortunately, he found a roughly made iron dagger on one of the bodies. This should be a decent starter weapon, right?

As for the clothes on the bodies, although some looked better than what he was wearing, Jia Zhengjin didn't take them. The clothes of the dead were too unlucky; he didn't want to wear them!

A virtual screen with bars displaying his status appeared before his eyes, showing his current physical condition just like in a game.



[Health] 43/100 (You need immediate treatment! Eating and resting can slowly restore health.)

[Stamina] 51/100 (You are a bit tired. Resting can restore stamina!)

[Hunger] 30/100 (You are hungry and need to eat!)

[Thirst] 40/100 (You are thirsty and need to drink!)

[Body Temperature] 27°C (You are a bit cold. It's best to dry your clothes by a fire!)

[Level] LV1 (Experience needed to level up: 0/100)


It was all real! He had casually mentioned his wish to the ghost messenger, and he really helped him fulfil it! He really had a virtual interface with various functions like in a game, but with even more immersion than when he was playing on a computer. Because now Jia Zhengjin himself was the sole protagonist of this game!

"Gurgle~~" His empty stomach growled, and his throat was dry.

There was no time to celebrate his dream coming true. Jia Zhengjin began searching for food and drinkable water.

Seawater was obviously undrinkable unless he wanted to die! And without tools, he couldn't distill seawater into fresh water!

As he passed the bodies on the beach, an option appeared before his eyes:


[Collect]: Use the dagger to collect raw meat.


Whether human or beastman, almost all could be collected from. But Jia Zhengjin wasn't about to eat human flesh; the thought alone was disgusting and unacceptable!

Fortunately, the beach was rich in resources. After searching for a few minutes, he found a seven or eight-meter-tall coconut tree.

"There are coconut trees in another world too." Although he couldn't help but grumble, Jia Zhengjin was secretly pleased. After all, coconut juice could quench his thirst, and the coconut meat could fill his stomach.

But the coconut tree was too tall for him to climb.

How could he get the coconuts?

He thought for a few minutes, then had a flash of inspiration.

Now that he had game-like abilities, he shouldn't think like an ordinary person but as a gamer!

Since for him reality was now like a game, There was no need to climb the tree! Didn't he just find a dagger? He could just chop down the tree with it! It might be nonsense to try that in his previous world in, but it should work in his new world!

Jia Zhengjin acted on his thoughts, swinging the dagger to chop at the coconut tree.

Sure enough! The dull dagger left a deep mark on the tree.

"I can really chop down trees!" Jia Zhengjin got excited and used his remaining strength to keep chopping. With each chop, the cut at the base of the tree grew larger. After about twenty chops, the whole tree fell with a crash.


[Message]: You chopped down a coconut tree! You got 3 coconuts and 4 logs!


Opening his virtual backpack, he saw the coconuts lying quietly inside.

Already dizzy with hunger and thirst, Jia Zhengjin took out a coconut, cut it open with the dagger, and drank all the coconut juice. Then he scooped out the coconut meat and ate it with relish.

His hunger and thirst were slightly alleviated. Additionally, his health increased by 1 point.

Jia Zhengjin finished the remaining two coconuts, bringing his hunger to 71% and his thirst to 100%.

This was too much fun! This was the life he had dreamed of! Ever since he got hooked on sandbox survival games, Jia Zhengjin had always fantasized about becoming a game character, collecting, crafting, and building his own world in real life!

If he hadn't been so obsessed with this, he wouldn't have died suddenly from playing games and not even realized it. He had stayed in the internet cafe as a ghost, still playing! In other words, he was a bit hopeless!

This was definitely not Earth but a completely different world. The sun in the sky was blue, and there were beastmen. Not to mention the beetles on the beach, which had long been extinct on Earth, dating back to the dinosaur era!

The forest near the coast had coconut trees, but over 80% of the other plants present were unfamiliar!

Regardless, Jia Zhengjin was very satisfied with his current situation.

He had died from playing games on Earth and missed the train to the sixth-paths of reincarnation. Now he could be alive again in another world and gain the ability to use game functions in real life. It would be a waste not to make the most of it!

Jia Zhengjin planned to use his cheat abilities to survive and thrive in this other world. After all, not everyone gets the chance to transmigrate with cheat abilities; wasting such an opportunity would be a crime!

To survive in this other world, he needed to quickly build a shelter and gather enough food and water.

Fortunately, the coconut trees on the coast were the best resource. Chopping down coconut trees not only provided wood for building a shelter but also coconuts for food and alleviating thirst. This starting location was perfect!

Check out Building a New World under Novels in  to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released

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