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  • Building a New World - Chapter 9

    Chapter 9: Hunting Traps As soon as daylight broke, Jia Zhengjin emerged from his room in high spirits, singing a Chen Xiaochun song while stretching and breathing in the fresh air. He had slept soundly through the night without any skeletons or monsters attacking, which felt incredibly comfortable. However, when he turned back to look at his stone brick house, he discovered that most of the ground spike traps surrounding it had been destroyed. The cause was a dense mass of mushroom corpses. Clearly, after he had gone to sleep, another large group of mushrooms from the forest had come and crowded around the house. They had all perished on the traps. Remembering how the mushrooms had clung to him before, and noticing there were especially many near the furnace in the corner inside, Jia Zhengjin suddenly had a thought. Could it be that these mushrooms were attracted to heat, and that's why they walked right into the trap? It seemed very likely! His own body heat may have attracted the mushrooms, causing them to stick to him. that would also explain why the greater heat from the furnace in the house drew even more of them. But if that was the case, why didn't they just leave the forest and go out in the sun during the day? Wouldn't the temperature be hotter in the day? He decided not to dwell on it further. Jia Zhengjin dragged the mushroom corpses out one by one, making sure to search them for loot. As expected, most of the mushrooms still dropped [Spores], but the largest mushroom finally yielded two new items: [Message]: You obtained [Mushroom Toxin]! [Message]: You obtained [Mushroom Headdress Blueprint]! "Good thing I didn't try eating these mushrooms yesterday, they're poisonous!" Jia Zhengjin was startled. "I was nuzzled by them so much yesterday and didn't get poisoned? How lucky! Or maybe the poison is only inside them and doesn't affect anybody unless they eat them?" Feeling fortunate, he promptly learned the Mushroom Headdress Blueprint. A new crafting option immediately lit up in the armor crafting interface: [Mushroom Headdress] Consumes 5 mushrooms, 10 plant fibers. "So these mushroom corpses are actually useful?" Jia Zhengjin hadn't known what a mushroom headdress was, since this equipment didn't exist in the game before his transmigration. It must have been automatically added after he arrived in this world! He quickly picked up five mushrooms from the ground and put them in his backpack, and the crafting option immediately became available. Jia Zhengjin clicked to craft it, and the mushroom corpses in his backpack quickly disappeared, replaced by a large mushroom hat. Its shape was essentially like the shape of the cap of these mushrooms made into a hat, with some added patterns. [Poor Quality Mushroom Headdress] Defense +1, Can camouflage the wearer as a mushroom in grass, avoiding the sight of carnivores. But has a chance of being attacked by herbivores. Though it looked silly, this hat was quite good! After reading the description, Jia Zhengjin decisively threw away his 0 defense fiber hat and put on the mushroom headdress with 1 defense point and camouflage ability. The mushroom headdress made him look like a clown, but he was very satisfied with it. Jia Zhengjin put the remaining mushroom corpses into his virtual backpack, then took out his stone axe and chopped down a nearby large tree, obtaining a batch of lumber. He immediately returned to the house and used the lumber to craft a wooden chest, placing it in the corner of the room. Then he threw all his stone blocks, plant fibers, lumber, mushrooms, and coconuts into it. He kept only the stone axe, stone pickaxe, stone shovel, stone spears, wooden bow and eleven arrows in his backpack. He surrounded the house with another layer of ground spikes traps to prevent any otherworldly creatures from damaging his home while he was out hunting. After preparing to leave the house, he ventured into the dangerous forest. Upon finding an animal-trampled path leading to the river, Jia Zhengjin immediately got to work. Using his stone shovel, he dug a huge pit about two meters deep on the spot, then covered it with a layer of branches and leaves, creating a simple hunting trap. This type of trap wouldn't work on the large creatures he had seen yesterday, but it would be very effective against smaller animals! Once a creature fell into the trap, Jia Zhengjin could easily kill it with his stone spear without much effort! Of course, one trap wouldn't be very effective. So he dug three more traps in other locations. The next step was to wait, so after carefully observing his surroundings, he climbed up a large tree, using the dense leaves to conceal himself. For camouflage, it would actually be easier to hide in the grass below because of his mushroom headdress. However, he wouldn't be able to see anything that way! Up in the tree was different - the wide view allowed him to see all four traps clearly. As soon as any creature fell in, he could immediately go collect experience by killing them. This method was clumsy and not very efficient, but at least it was safe! If monsters killed using traps still counted for experience, he definitely would have placed wooden spikes in the traps. Who would want to wait around like an idiot otherwise? Waiting was very boring. After sitting in the tree for several hours, Jia Zhengjin almost fell asleep. The first creature to appear near the trap nearly scared him to death. It looked somewhat like the ancient dinosaurs seen in sci-fi movies, specifically the huge creature called a triceratops. Or perhaps it actually was a triceratops? Regardless of whether it was truly a triceratops from the dinosaur era, this giant beast's leg alone was taller than the pit he had dug. If it stepped on the trap, not only would he fail to capture the creature, but it would instantly destroy his trap! So Jia Zhengjin prayed constantly from up in the tree, hoping the triceratops would quickly go away! Luckily, the triceratops did not step on his trap. Many other otherworldly creatures came and went during this time, passing along the small path to drink water from the river. However, they were either too big or too small, and none of them triggered the traps. He still couldn't find any suitable prey. After waiting another hour or so, when the sun had risen to its zenith and the air in the forest became even more stifling, Jia Zhengjin was starting to doze off. Just as his eyelids began to droop, a sudden panic-stricken cry came from below. He immediately perked up and looked down. To his surprise, he saw a group of strange-looking creatures scattering in all directions amidst screams. A few unlucky ones had fallen into the traps and couldn't climb out! This was a group of otherworldly creatures that had come to drink water by the river. They were very short, only about a meter tall. But they could walk upright like humans! Their overall shape was essentially like dogs walking on two legs! To be more precise, they were kobolds! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 8

    Chapter 8: Leveling Up Crafting Skills Jia Zhengjin's stamina had hit rock bottom by the time he finished clearing a large patch of grassland by the river. He looked at the cleared area around him with a smile, panting heavily. He laid a layer of wooden flooring made from crafted lumber as a foundation, then placed a [stone campfire] and a [sleeping bag] on it. After resting for a while in the warm sleeping bag by the fire, feeling refreshed, he switched to a [poor-quality stone pickaxe] and began mining the nearby exposed rocks containing iron ore. The [poor-quality stone pickaxe] wasn't particularly fast at breaking rocks, but each successful chunk it broke off yielded plenty of stone blocks and [iron ore]. Mining was very strenuous, so his stamina was depleted quickly. Jia Zhengjin could only mine for a while, then rest, then return to mining. During his breaks, he used the mined stone blocks to craft the simplest stone bricks. A [Stone brick], as a basic building material, didn't have very high durability, only 200 points. However, compared to wooden building materials with 100 durability points, they were much sturdier. Mining was a monotonous and tedious task. For an entire day, Jia Zhengjin did little else besides excavating rocks, storing iron ore, and using the mined stone blocks to make stone bricks. As the sun began to set, he decided to call it a day. He put away his stone pickaxe and started using the stone bricks to build walls, constructing a sturdier [stone brick house] than the previous night's shelter. He could have built a more aesthetically pleasing house, or even a magnificent castle given enough time and materials. However, in the early stages with scarce resources and precious time, this square, unattractive matchbox-like room without even a window besides the door was the most practical option! Before darkness fell completely, he successfully built a simple square [stone brick house]. Fearing the appearance of undead creatures like the previous night, he also crafted the most basic defensive trap, [Ground Spikes], using wood, and laid a layer of the traps around the house. [Ground spikes] were essentially made of sharpened wooden sticks that could injure creatures stepping on them. Although effective, they only had 50 durability points and broke easily. Still, it was better than nothing. He crafted two torches and hung them on the walls inside the room, dispelling the darkness. Tonight was much better compared to the first day, and he wouldn't be bored at night because he had collected so many stones and iron ore. He could make more stone spears and use the stone blocks to craft a furnace to smelt the iron ore into iron ingots. After storing enough iron ingots, he planned to set up basic hunting traps the next morning, then hunt some of the weaker otherworldly creatures to level up and gain skill points to unlock the iron tool crafting skills. Quickly crafting iron tools, weapons, and armor would further enhance his survival abilities. The [furnace] was simple to make, requiring only 8 stone blocks. However, a whole day's collection of iron ore only yielded 10 iron ingots when smelted. The low-grade, [poor-quality stone pickaxe] was partly to blame, but his lack of mining skills was the main reason. But there was no helping it; this was how the early stages were! Ten iron ingots were only enough to craft one [iron axe], and with his current Lv1 crafting skill, it would definitely be the poorest quality, a [Poor-quality iron axe] or another tool of the same level! It was frustrating that a full day's mining only produced one iron tool. So Jia Zhengjin decided that after leveling up tomorrow, he would first craft an iron pickaxe. This would speed up his mining and yield more resources! Of course, improving tool crafting and weapon crafting levels was also essential. The numerous stone blocks mined during the day, along with the plant fibers obtained from clearing grass, plus the previously stored logs for making wooden sticks, could all be used to craft stone tools. This should raise his crafting skill by about one level. At Lv2 tool crafting, he would have a chance to make white normal quality tools. Incidentally, the initial poor-quality tools had gray names. Normal ones had white names, then the colors progressively improved to blue for fine quality, gold for perfect quality, green for superior quality, orange for legendary quality, and purple for epic quality. Epic-level tools, weapons, or armor were considered the ultimate equipment sets, with excellent collection and monster-killing efficiency. Before his transmigration, Jia Zhengjin's game character always maxed out his skills and wore full purple equipment to dominate. So even in this real otherworld, his strategy wouldn't change. He would definitely frantically collect resources to level up his skills. First, he would max out tool crafting skill levels, then max out weapon and armor crafting skill levels. Each successful craft would grant crafting experience points. To achieve max-level skills, one needed sufficient patience! "Whoosh, whoosh~~" The flames roared in the furnace, with the charcoal burning extremely efficiently. While the iron ore was being smelted, Jia Zhengjin, having eaten and drunk his fill, sat in the hot room, preparing to grind his tool crafting level. However, before that, he first used wood and plant fibers to craft a [poor-quality bow], then processed stone blocks into [stone arrowheads], and combined them with wood and the feathers he had collected during the day to make eleven [stone arrows], which were slightly better than wooden arrows. He stored the bow and arrows in his backpack for hunting later. Then, of course, came the monotonous task of continuously using the materials collected during the day to craft the most material-efficient stone axes to increase his tool crafting experience. Outside the house was the forest, which was much noisier at night compared to the beach area. Various unknown otherworldly creatures made calls that rose and fell in volume, making it difficult to concentrate. Jia Zhengjin tried his best to ignore these sounds, focusing intently on grinding his tool crafting level, watching stone axe after stone axe come into being by his hands, steadily increasing his tool crafting experience. He continued until he felt utterly exhausted, his eyelids heavy and almost closing automatically. By then, he had used up all the wood in his backpack. There were still plenty of stone blocks and plant fibers left, but without wooden sticks made from logs, he couldn't continue crafting tools. Actually, the crafted tools could be disassembled, with each tool returning a certain amount of materials based on its current quality when broken down. However, looking at the pile of poor-quality small stone axes stacked beside him, Jia Zhengjin didn't plan to disassemble them. These shoddy small stone axes would at most return one stone block each, yet it would require him to work non-stop until noon the next day to break them all down, which wasn't worth the effort! But unlike in games, he couldn't just throw these tools on the ground to refresh them away. So he decided to sleep first and then take all these poor-quality small stone axes outside the room to burn them after waking up the next day. After burning them, he should still be able to obtain a considerable amount of charcoal, which was very useful for smelting iron ore! Today's goal was somewhat accomplished. His tool crafting skill had successfully reached level 2 and a certain amount of progress was made towards reaching level 3, giving him a certain probability of crafting normal quality tools. He hoped to push it to level 3 with some extra effort tomorrow, which would allow him to consistently produce normal-grade tools! Check out Building a New World under Novels on to read more chapters or go to Early Access Plans to access chapters before they are released for free.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 7

    Chapter 7: The Jungle of Another World Jia Zhengjin, dressed in a full set of fiber clothes and wielding a stone spear, cautiously made his way through the dense, thorny forest. His appearance at this moment was not unlike that of a primitive man who had just entered civilization. The grass, which reached up to his chest, concealed countless strange creatures. He had just been startled by a giant caterpillar half his height. Fortunately, the caterpillar was docile and ignored the intruder, continuing to munch on leaves contentedly. Massive trees, twenty to thirty meters tall, were everywhere, their canopies interconnecting to shield the entire forest. Sunlight couldn't penetrate, so the temperature in the forest was drastically different from the temperature outside. Dew was everywhere, and the air was filled with moisture. "Gurgle~~" A group of striped strange birds stood in a neat line on a thick branch, tilting their heads curiously to observe Jia Zhengjin. "Hiss~~" A giant centipede, seven or eight meters long and as thick as a bucket, passed through the nearby grass, ignoring the suddenly frozen intruder. Just by stepping into the forest, so many bizarre creatures appeared immediately. Jia Zhengjin felt immense pressure! Not to mention anything else, he estimated he couldn't even defeat that centipede he'd just seen. With his current equipment, he'd probably be swallowed in one bite! Should he retreat? After all the preparations, Would he decide to back down at the last moment? What kind of behavior was that? After a moment's hesitation, Jia Zhengjin mustered his courage, raised his stone spear, and advanced deeper into the forest. The further in he went, the more otherworldly creatures appeared in groups. Giant cockroaches over three meters long, silver spiders with bodies that glistened like metallic machines when the light falls on them in certain angles, strange flowers with mouths that constantly made retching sounds, eerie creatures that looked like rotten logs but actually had eyes on both ends, herds of one-horned goats that looked like normal goats except for the single sharp horn on their foreheads... The creatures here were incredibly diverse, with features completely different from the ones on Earth. "The creatures in this world, apart from looking a bit strange, don't seem that dangerous!" Discovering that most of the strange creatures in the forest weren't aggressive, Jia Zhengjin felt slightly more at ease. Just as he was relaxing, a chilling sound suddenly came from above. It was like nails scratching across a blackboard, a noise that made one's whole body uncomfortable. Jia Zhengjin quickly crouched down, burying himself in the dense grass, and looked up towards the source of the sound. He saw a giant python, with a fiery red body, coiled at the top of a large tree. It was opening it's massive mouth, large enough to swallow Jia Zhengjin whole, while facing off against a giant bird that seemed to be cloaked in electricity. The giant bird was larger than Jia Zhengjin, but it looked tiny compared to the python. Yet it showed no fear, flapping its golden wings as it flew around the tree where the python was coiled. As the golden bird flew, some of its feathers floated down. Jia Zhengjin's eyes lit up, and he immediately began to carefully move about, collecting the falling feathers. ................................................................................................................................................... [Feather] : Can be used to craft arrows and is an essential material for certain armors. ................................................................................................................................................... After circling the python for a while, the giant bird suddenly let out a sharp cry. It's enormous body transformed into a bolt of lightning, violently striking the python's head. "did it really transform into lightning?" Jia Zhengjin exclaimed in surprise, "can its attack have the power of 100,000 volts?" Of course, the golden bird couldn't answer Jia Zhengjin's question. It was fully focused on transforming into bolts of lightning, continuously attacking the python. The python, after being struck in the head several times, seemed to be angered. It opened its mouth again, emitting that skin-crawling sound like fingers scratching a blackboard, while simultaneously spewing scorching flames from its mouth. "Wow~~ This scene is even more spectacular than a Hollywood blockbuster!" Jia Zhengjin exclaimed, promptly bending down to hide in the grass before quickly fleeing the scene. He had no desire to get caught up between these two giant otherworldly creatures or lose his life in their lightning and flames! After walking a few steps, he heard rustling sounds from around him. Then, a group of "mushrooms" emerged from the grass! These mushrooms looked like the common umbrella-shaped ones on Earth, except they were enormous, the tallest reaching up to Jia Zhengjin's knees. Moreover, they could hop around, clearly the were alive. Jia Zhengjin hurriedly raised his stone spear, but to his surprise, these mushrooms completely ignored his weapon. Instead, they affectionately hopped to his feet, nuzzling him like puppies. Confused, Jia Zhengjin used his stone spear to sweep away the mushroom-shaped creatures near him, but they immediately gathered back, still sticking to his feet and constantly nuzzling him. "Shoo! Shoo!" Annoyed by their persistence, he vigorously struck at the strange mushrooms with his stone spear, finally managing to drive them away. He trudged through the wet, dewy grass until his clothes were drenched, avoiding numerous bizarre and potentially dangerous otherworldly creatures. Eventually, he used his [Find Ore Veins] skill to locate the nearest iron ore vein from his starting point. The ore vein was beside a clear river, surrounded by a relatively open grassland. Most importantly, there were no dangerous creatures nearby, and The riverbank offered abundant sources for collecting materials: rocks, fruit trees, and grass. "A perfect location for building an initial base!" Jia Zhengjin surveyed the area, and after confirming it was safe, he exchanged his stone spear for a stone axe. He began quickly clearing the grass on the riverside, preparing an open a space to build a new shelter. At the same time, he could obtain large amounts of plant fibers while clearing the space needed, which he could use to practice his crafting skills during idle times. After all, the higher the crafting skill level, the better the quality of the items produced! "Hop hop hop~~" Just as he was busy working, that group of strange mushrooms emerged again from the forest grass. They observed Jia Zhengjin from a distance for a while, then cheerfully rushed over, sticking to his feet and nuzzling him again. "Aren't you annoying!" After several failed attempts to drive them away, Jia Zhengjin angrily took out his stone spear and attacked, stabbing directly at them. After one mushroom was pierced, its body immediately deflated. But the other mushrooms remained unmoved, continuing to stick to him. ................................................................................................................................................... [Message]: You killed a mushroom, and gained 1 experience point. ................................................................................................................................................... "This counts as a monster?!" Even one point was still experience, and these things didn't fight back. Jia Zhengjin simply raised his stone spear and began a killing spree, slaughtering all the annoying mushrooms. Finally free from the clingy creatures at his feet, he breathed a sigh of relief. After searching the mushroom corpses for a while, he found that each mushroom basically yielded 1 [Spore], probably something that could be planted. There was nothing else besides that! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 6

    Chapter 6: Getting Ready to Go on an Adventure When the last skeleton fell, Jia Zhengjin, having exhausted his stamina, sat panting heavily by the fire. The scorching heat made sweat pour down his body, but the successful escape from danger left him feeling extremely relieved. His wildly beating heart finally began to calm down. The skeletons' white bones had turned black in the fire, making it hard to imagine that these creatures had been active just moments ago. The dozen or so skeletons directly raised Jia Zhengjin to level 2 with half the experience bar needed for the next level already filled. He gained a skill point, which could be used to unlock an ability in the skill interface. Without a doubt, to develop quickly in the early stages and rapidly create metal tools or weapons to deal with the unknown creatures of this world, as well as to advance up the tech tree and unlock higher-level technologies to build necessary facilities for survival, the [Find Ore Veins] ability was the top priority to unlock be it in a game or in this reality. After unlocking [Find Ore Veins] in the virtual interface with his skill point, Jia Zhengjin felt as if his mind had expanded. He stood up and tried looking into the distance while activating this newly unlocked ability. The dark world before his eyes immediately changed, with strange points of light appearing in the darkness. Red and green lights intertwined, densely packed like city lights. Jia Zhengjin knew these light points indicated the locations of mineral deposits. Red points represented iron ore, green points - copper ore, white points - silver ore, yellow points - gold ore, and many other minerals each had their own distinct color. In the forest behind this coastal area, there was an abundance of iron and copper ore, the resources most used in the early stages. This discovery pleased him greatly; he only needed to craft a stone pickaxe to mine these ores! Once he entered the Iron Age of technology, encountering skeletons would be much more manageable. However, the forest was completely unknown to him. This was a different world with beast-men and undead creatures like skeletons. Who knew what dangerous beings lurked in the dense forest! Perhaps there were more powerful undead creatures, or terrifying magical beasts, or even man-eating plants? Anything was possible! So before venturing in to explore, he needed to equip himself with at least a set of protective gear. Moreover, because of the skeletons' appearance, Jia Zhengjin had been too scared to put on clothes and was still naked! The most urgent task was to craft clothing that could keep him warm and provide some defense. The most basic clothes were made from plant fibers: a fiber shirt, fiber pants, fiber gloves, fiber shoes, and a fiber hat. If he had to make them by hand, it might take a month or two. But using the crafting function, he only needed to wait briefly for the progress bar to complete, and they would appear! Clothes made from plant fibers weren't very comfortable to wear, but at least they provided warmth. More importantly, wearing a full set of clothes meant he no longer had to run around naked! Jia Zhengjin had no desire to be a nudist, even in this uninhabited land. "These clothes are ridiculous! Looks like I'll need to gather resources quickly to make more comfortable equipment!" Jia Zhengjin muttered to himself, not very satisfied as he put on his clothes. The red moonlight gradually faded, and the blue sun began to climb the sky. Strangely, although the sun was blue, its light illuminating the earth didn't turn the whole world blue, which puzzled Jia Zhengjin. He sat by the fire all night, not daring to stray too far. He feared there might be more skeletons or undead creatures nearby, or even more dangerous nocturnal beings. Fortunately, nothing else happened, and he safely passed his first night in this other world! The kindling had mostly burned up, leaving him with over a hundred pieces of charcoal. It seemed that he didn't have to worry about making torches and using charcoal as fuel, as this method of production was quite simple! As light returned to the land, Jia Zhengjin finally felt less worried. After eating a few coconuts to alleviate his hunger and thirst, he first examined the burned skeletons. He hadn't dared to touch them at night, fearing they might come back to life, but in daylight, he grew bolder. ................................................................................................................................................... [Message] You obtained bone powder! [Message] You obtained bones! [Message] You obtained bone powder... ................................................................................................................................................... The dozen or so skeletons mostly yielded bone powder and bones. Bone powder was an alchemy material, necessary for various potions; bones could be crafted into bone knives for harvesting meat and fur from animal carcasses. However, Jia Zhengjin already had a dagger, so he discarded these bones. The human skeletons were poor, yielding only bone powder and bones. But from the lion beast-man skeleton, he found the only good item. [Roar Skill Book] A beast-man intimidation skill, an ability inherited from the beast-men's ancestors. Concentrates power to roar and intimidate enemies, reducing their attack power. Has a chance to scare away weak opponents! Although it was a beast-man skill, the skill book wasn't race-specific. So once used, Jia Zhengjin could immediately learn to roar. "How ridiculous! Such a rare treasure as a skill book, and it actually dropped!" Jia Zhengjin certainly wouldn't waste a skill book that could enhance his survival ability. He decisively used the skill book, and soon felt as if new knowledge had been poured into his mind. "Roar~~!" He recalled the roar description in his mind, then opened his mouth and let out a beast-like, ear-splitting sound from his throat. "Coo~~" In the nearby forest, a flock of unknown birds were frightened by the roar and flew away fluttering towards the distance. "Haha! That feels so powerful!" Jia Zhengjin was excited and roared into the air several more times until his stamina was nearly depleted, then obediently sat down to rest. Using skills also consumed stamina. With Jia Zhengjin's 100 points of stamina, even normal resource gathering would consume it quickly, let alone a combat skill! Fortunately, this was just the initial state of his stamina. In later stages, he could increase his stamina through monster-slaying or crafting high-level equipment to obtain stamina-boosting gear. He could also use alchemy to create stamina-restoring potions, or learn specific skills to increase his stamina. In short, it was difficult to raise his stamina too much in the early stages but would become easier later on! On his second day in this other world, Jia Zhengjin decided to leave the beach area and start exploring the resource-rich forest. Before setting out, he started to collect materials. He collected a large number of stones from the beach, then cut down several coconut trees for logs and gathered more plant fibers. He then started crafting . He crafted a [stone axe] for faster tree-cutting, a [stone pickaxe] for mining, a [stone shovel] for digging, and used the rest to make stone spears for combat. Stone spears could be used for both melee and throwing. However, their production speed was slow, so crafting them on the spot when encountering monsters would surely lead to defeat! But preparing a large number of stone spears in advance could greatly enhance his combat power during his exploration! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 5

    Chapter 5: Grilled Ribs Over Charcoal To be honest, a naked teenager running around near the beach at night was a very embarrassing sight. If this were to happen in a city in his previous world, someone would have called the police and had him arrested as a pervert in no time! But fortunately, this was a different world, and it was in a completely uninhabited area. "ka.., ka., ka ..." The skeletons' mouths opened and closed rapidly, following closely behind. Jia Zhengjin was running at top speed as if he was in a marathon. He was scared to death!! He ran desperately on the grass near the house, occasionally looking back at the skeletons chasing him. Among the skeletons, there was one that was quite unique, with a head completely different from the other skeletons, this skeleton resembled an animal walking upright, with a long tailbone behind it. As Jia Zhengjin ran, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. The number of skeletons seemed to be the same as the number of bodies he saw on the beach during the day! Could that unique skeleton be formed from the lion-headed beast-man's body he saw on the beach? But why did these bodies turn into skeletons at night? Why didn't his body, which was originally one of them turn into the body of a skeleton? Was it because he was reincarnated into this body and a body wouldn't turn into a skeleton if it had a soul inside it? What was the principle behind the transformation into skeletons? His mind was filled with doubts, unable to understand the situation. Although the skeletons moved slowly, seeming like they would never catch up to Jia Zhengjin. But they never got tired, and no matter how fast Jia Zhengjin ran, they still followed closely behind. Jia Zhengjin's energy was limited. Strictly speaking, it should be called stamina! Continuous running caused his stamina to decrease rapidly. With only 100 points of stamina, he might not be able to hold on until dawn. If he had a long-range weapon, he could easily use a kiting tactic to eliminate the skeletons one by one based on their speed! The basic bow and arrow could be made with three pieces of lumber and three plant fibers. But he didn't have the materials to make arrows! Any arrows required feathers, and Jia Zhengjin didn't have any feathers in his backpack. And in the middle of the night, with a dozen skeletons following behind, he didn't have the opportunity to search for feathers in the dark forest. what about using close combat? Trying to fight them with a dagger? Even though the skeletons were slow, if they surrounded him, he wouldn't be able to handle it! That would just be giving them his head on a platter! His stamina was constantly dropping, he couldn't let the skeletons chase him for too long. Without long-range weapons, he couldn't kite the skeletons; and with too many skeletons, he couldn't defeat them through close combat... Jia Zhengjin summarized Jia Zhengjin was in a difficult situation now, no matter what, the skeletons would catch up to him anytime. It was very dangerous! The only weapon he had was a dagger, which was useless. His only source of light was a torch, which had no effect on the skeletons. The skeletons were not beasts, and they were not afraid of the torchlight. However... not being afraid of the torchlight didn't mean they wouldn't be harmed when being set on fire! In a moment of crisis, Jia Zhengjin's brain was working quickly. Using the torch to ignite the skeletons was impossible. Bones were not very flammable! And with a dozen skeletons, it wasn't possible to calmly hold a torch and slowly burn them. Jia Zhengjin came up with a good idea! He saw the abandoned crumbling room that he had given up on. Although the skeletons had damaged it beyond recognition, it still had about half of the lumber used to construct it left. If he could set the room on fire and lure all the skeletons over, Would these mindless undead creatures, driven by instinct, walk into the flames on their own? Although the torch might not be a very effective weapon against the skeletons, a large fire burning using the room's remaining lumber should be able to kill these skeletons, right? Setting a wooden room on fire was simple. Jia Zhengjin had a torch in his hand, and his backpack was full of logs and plant fibers that could be used as kindling. As soon as he thought of this, he quickly changed his direction, luring the skeletons back to the heavily damaged room. As he ran, he took out the logs from his backpack and placed them around the room, trying to place as many logs as possible around the room. Then he scattered a large amount of plant fibers around the room, running around the damaged room and spreading them as he ran. As he continued running, the skeletons followed slowly behind. Jia Zhengjin rearranged the lumber remaining from the room making it ready to be set on fire, then, while the skeletons hadn't caught up, he stopped and used the torch to ignite the large amount of plant fibers around the room. When the torch touched the plant fibers, they ignited. Although they burned for a very short time, turning to ashes in just a few seconds, the large quantity was still very effective. A huge fire blazed and quickly grew stronger! After the flames rose, Jia Zhengjin suddenly thought of a problem. How was he going to lure the skeletons into the fire? Did he have to run through the flames barefoot? He would be burned to death before the skeletons! The only advantage he had now was that he could temporarily put away the torch. The fire illuminated a large area, making it possible to navigate without the torch. Looking back at the skeletons catching up when he stopped to rest, Jia Zhengjin suddenly had another thought. Although he couldn't lead the skeletons into the fire, he could let the fire spread out, which could still burn them! With the fire so strong now, any logs near it could quickly catch on fire. Jia Zhengjin had plenty of logs in his backpack. Before the skeletons caught up to him, he set off again, taking out a log from his backpack and placing it near the flames. The log didn't take long to ignite, and the flames quickly consumed it, spreading outward. He quickly placed another log next to it, repeating the process, using logs to build a wall of flames extending behind him. The skeletons didn't avoid the flames, foolishly climbing over the wall, and charging straight through. This tactic was effective, and a wave of them fell! Seeing the results, Jia Zhengjin's morale soared, luring the skeletons to continue chasing him, and then, pulling away a certain distance, he quickly created another burning wall of flames extending from the fire, allowing the skeletons to pass through the blazing flames. Watching their health rapidly decrease in the flames, he could see the hope of victory! He was already very tired, with over half of his stamina consumed. But he persisted in creating the walls of fire. ............................................................................................... [Message]: You killed a skeleton and gained 10 experience points! [Message]: You killed a skeleton and gained 10 experience points! [Message]:... ............................................................................................... The good news kept appearing, and the skeletons didn't turn back. Jia Zhengjin could bypass the walls of fire and stand behind them to lure the skeletons. The skeletons, on the other hand, charged through the fire, chasing him directly. Their health was rapidly consumed by the flames, and they began to fall one by one! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early Access Plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 4

    Chapter 4: Naked escape from skeletons Seeing a skeleton that was completely made of bone with no flesh, something he had only seen in movies or games before, and with its eyes made of eerie blue flames, staring at him and slowly approaching, Jia Zhengjin felt goosebumps all over his body. He let out a loud scream and turned to run back to the room. In this pitch-black night, he couldn't possibly fight the skeleton with the torch in his hand, right? He didn't believe the torch would be effective against undead creatures. "Bang!" He forcefully closed the door and hid in his sealed room, breathing heavily, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. "Oh my god, this is too scary!" A real undead creature! A walking skeleton! Hiding in the room should be safe, right? In games, entering a room meant entering a safe zone! Thinking like this, Jia Zhengjin felt a bit more at ease. He tiptoed to the front of the door, pressing his ear against it to listen carefully. There was no sound of movements outside, only the sound of chirping of insects in the distant forest. "Maybe it's gone?" After waiting for a while, Jia Zhengjin thought to himself. Carefully, he opened the door slightly and peered out from the crack. "Clack, clack, clack..." A pair of eerie blue eyes met his gaze, and the skeleton's mouth rapidly opened and closed, emitting a chilling sound. Then a skeletal arm tried to reach in through the slightly open door! "Bang!" Jia Zhengjin quickly shut the door, keeping it out. It was truly terrifying! He hadn't expected the skeleton to stand at the door. Luckily, Jia Zhengjin was cautious; otherwise, if he had opened the door completely, it would have surely rushed in and wreaked havoc! Strictly speaking, this skeleton could be considered a "monster" in the game. Killing it would yield experience points and loot. But Jia Zhengjin wasn't sure if it was a normal monster or a boss monster, and the difference between the two was significant, with the latter being potentially deadly! Moreover, he had no weapons other than a dagger. Engaging in close combat with an undead creature with such a short dagger would be suicidal! Jia Zhengjin wasn't afraid of death; after all, he had already died once . But he didn't want to die meaninglessly, especially since he had finally realized his dream. Of course, he wanted to make the most of his new life! Fortunately, the room should be safe. As long as he stayed quiet, he should be fine until it left. Thinking of this, Jia Zhengjin placed the torch on the ground, ready to crawl into his sleeping bag. "Bang!" At that moment, the closed door suddenly shook violently. At a glance, the durability that was originally at 100 points immediately dropped to 95 points. "My goodness! Wasn't the room supposed to be safe?" Goosebumps rose on Jia Zhengjin's skin again. He hadn't expected the room to not be a safe zone! If the skeleton could attack the room, it meant it could lower the durability untill it could break in! Absolutely not! He couldn't let it break in; he had to figure out a way... Jia Zhengjin thought carefully and quickly remembered that the basic tool, the stone hammer, could be used to repair damaged structures. So, he immediately selected [Craft], first breaking down a log into four wooden sticks, and then clicked on the stone hammer in the [Tools] section, Consuming two stones, three plant fibers, and one wooden stick in the process. after the crafting progress bar was completed, a [poor quality Stone Hammer] appeared in his hand. Holding the stone hammer in front of the door that was gradually being destroyed with its durability falling to 65 points by the skeleton's attacks, a repair option immediately appeared, requiring one piece of lumber. Jia Zhengjin quickly repaired the wooden door, and one piece of lumber was automatically deducted from his backpack, restoring the door's durability back to 100 points. The damaged areas were also restored to their original state. "Haha! Attack all you want! I can repair the damage done in an instant!" Seeing the brand-new looking wooden door, Jia Zhengjin laughed triumphantly. But just as he was feeling proud, the walls on both sides began to tremble, and their durability started to decrease. More skeletons appeared outside, attacking the walls frantically. "Reinforcements?" Jia Zhengjin's face darkened instantly as he watched the durability of the walls and the door continue to drop. He quickly stared with the needed repairs. More and more skeletons gathered, and soon there were about a dozen of them, densely packed outside, desperately scratching at the door. This couldn't go on! Jia Zhengjin made a quick decision and decided to abandon the room. The wood's durability was too low to withstand the skeletons' attacks. If he did nothing and stayed inside the room, it would surely be breached in the end! Instead of waiting to die, it was better to take a risk. Although the skeletons looked terrifying, they seemed to be only capable of walking and not running, so they couldn't catch up to him. As long as he kept moving, they wouldn't be able to grab him! However, the area around the door and the walls on both sides was blocked, leaving him with only one escape route,to escape from the back where there were no skeletons! These skeletons seemed to have come from the direction of the beach, and they didn't seem smart enough to flank the back. Decisively, Jia Zhengjin raised the torch in his left hand, the stone hammer in his right, and held the dagger in his mouth. Quickly turning around, he fiercely struck the undamaged wall with the stone hammer. Faster! Faster! The walls behind him were deteriorating rapidly, and even a few white skeleton arms were reaching through the holes. Jia Zhengjin accelerated, desperately hitting the wooden wall. "Bang! Bang! Bang..." The damage on the walls behind him grew larger, and even the door was on the verge of collapse, looking like it couldn't hold on much longer. Luckily, the wall he was striking was finally broken by Jia Zhengjin, creating a gap big enough for him to escape. "Run!" Jia Zhengjin held the torch and quickly squeezed out the gap, throwing himself into the still dark world outside. At the same time, he dropped the stone hammer, took the dagger out of his mouth, and held it in his hand. "Clack, clack, clack..." Several skeletons noticed Jia Zhengjin escaping from the room and immediately abandoned the walls to move slowly towards him. The rest continued their intense demolition activities. "Come on! Come chase me! catch me if you dare!" Jia Zhengjin held the torch in his left hand, the dagger in his right, and turned to make a face at the approaching skeletons. Then he turned and ran! Of course, he only ran about nearby around the room and didn't venture too far. After all, he had no clothes on, and who knew if there were thorns in the forest that could injure him. Besides, there might be even more scarier monsters lurking in the forest, so he didn't dare to venture in there. Although he didn't know what time it was, the sky was gradually turning from red to blue, indicating that dawn was approaching. Generally, low-level undead creatures didn't move during the day, so if these skeletons followed this rule, he could simply lead them around a few times waiting for the tables to turn! Check out Building a New World  under Novels in   to read more chapters or go to Early access plans  to access chapters before they are released

  • Building a New World - Chapter 3

    Chapter 3: Is This a Ghost? Jia Zhengjin chopped down a dozen coconut trees, storing thirty coconuts and fifty-six logs in his backpack. Exhausted, with his stamina down to 12 points, he ate a coconut and then used the virtual interface to select the [Craft] function, choosing [Building]. He found the option to craft logs into lumber and clicked [Craft All]. A green crafting progress bar appeared, and when it reached the end, each log was successfully turned into four pieces of lumber. It took a while to process all 56 logs, resulting in 224 pieces of lumber. The lumber, neatly stacked, occupied only one slot in his backpack and felt weightless when held in his hand. Jia Zhengjin mentally commanded to place the lumber, and it appeared on the ground. He found it immovable, just like in the game, but he could reduce its durability with a dagger until it returned to his backpack. He then used the lumber to build a 5x5 foundation, raised it three levels, and sealed it to form a box-like structure. He crafted a wooden door and installed it, creating a simple wooden room as a shelter. Though not sturdy, it was sufficient to block wind and rain. To rest properly, he needed to strart a fire and make a sleeping bag. The simplest campfire requires four pieces of lumber and three plant fibers, but it is disposable.He planned to build a reusable stone campfire with eight stones and four pieces of lumber. Stones were easily found on the beach, and plant fibers were easily gathered from the nearby dense grass in the forest. Jia Zhengjin collected materials diligently until a prompt warned him of his low body temperature. He returned to his room with a backpack full of plant fibers and stones. ................................................................................................................................................... [Message]: Stone campfire crafted successfully, stones -8, lumber -4! ................................................................................................................................................... "Whew!" When he placed the campfire in the room,warm flames immediately sprang up. "Humans really can't live without fire!" Sitting by the campfire, feeling his body temperature rise, Jia Zhengjin couldn't help but sigh. He took off his wet clothes and spread them out by the fire. He was only wearing a rough, robe-like garment, which was so poorly made that a message even popped up when he held it: ................................................................................................................................................... [Shoddy Cloth Robe]: Poorly made, offers limited warmth. ................................................................................................................................................... Now, Jia Zhengjin was completely naked, but at least he was in a sealed room where no one could see him. Besides, there didn't seem to be anyone else around except for a bunch of corpses! Jia Zhengjin wasn't afraid of corpses; if he wasn't even afraid of living people, why fear the dead? Feeling drowsy by the warm fire, he felt he really needed a good sleep to recover his energy. So, in the [Furniture] option, he clicked to craft the only available item: a [Sleeping Bag]. More advanced beds required blueprints or skill points to learn after leveling up the crafting options currently only offered the most basic items. Any advanced tools or equipment needed blueprints or skill points to unlock. For example, in the [tools] section, there were only basic wooden and stone tools. Higher-level iron tools required the corresponding blueprints or skill points to master iron tool crafting. Using 20 plant fibers, Jia Zhengjin crafted a simple sleeping bag. Although it was the lowest-tier bed, it was better than sleeping on the cold, damp ground. He slipped naked into the sleeping bag, feeling comfortable by the fire. Exhausted, Jia Zhengjin quickly fell into a deep sleep... The blue sun set, and darkness fell! Sparse starlight illuminated a red moonin the sky. Jia Zhengjin didn't know how long he had slept, but his body temperature was back to normal, and his stamina was fully restored to 100 points. Feeling the urge to pee, he got out of the sleeping bag. The campfire had gone out, and the room was pitch black. That didn't bother him; he fumbled around to find the campfire and chose to relight it. After he chose to use a few pieces of lumber to relight the campfire, the warm flames reappeared. He also got a piece of charcoal from the campfire. "lumber turning into charcoal so quickly, this game system is really unrealistic!" Feeling like he couldn't hold it in any longer, Jia Zhengjin opened the door. He didn't want to pee right outside his door because it would stink! But the campfire's light didn't reach far outside. He immediately chose to craft a torch using the charcoal from the campfire and a piece of lumber. With the torch's light, he confidently walked out the door. He ran to a coconut tree about thirty meters from his room, spread his legs, and started peeing. Didn't he need to take off his pants? Don't be silly! He didn't have any pants! The only cloth robe he had was still in the room! Running around naked at night? So what? There was no one around to see him , so he wasn't worried about public decency! Feeling relieved after peeing, Jia Zhengjin's face looked much better. He started singing as he headed back to continue sleeping. Just then, a strange noise came from near the beach. "Clack, clack..." The sound was very clear, like bamboo sticks hitting each other . Curiosity made Jia Zhengjin raise his torch and look in the direction of the sound, but the next moment, he felt his scalp tingle! A snow-white skeleton was walking from the beach, with blue flames flickering in its empty eye sockets. It moved like it was alive, its mouth opening and closing rapidly, and it was walking straight toward Jia Zhengjin! Check out Building a New World  under Novels in   to read more chapters or go to Early access plans  to access chapters before they are released

  • Building a New World - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2: Really Transmigrated With the sound of waves crashing against the beach, A few sea beetles were pushed ashore by the waves and hurriedly ran back into the water. From the endless forest by the coast came the sounds of what seemed like monkeys. With golden hair, a slim body, and strange clothes, Jia Zhengjin looked down at a body completely different from his previous body and realized that the ghost messenger was real! He had taken ownership of the body of a stranger, and that body was of a blond boy. Fortunately, he was still a man and still human. One moment he was in the internet cafe, and after being hit by that strong light, he woke up on this desolate beach. There were some broken planks and masts in the water, and many motionless bodies on the beach. It seemed he had been revived in the body of a human from another world who had been shipwrecked and washed ashore. But apart from borrowing this body, he had no memories that originally belonged to the previous owner of this body, so he knew nothing about this world. But it was definitely not Earth, because among the bodies on the beach was a furry creature. This creature was dressed, had hands and feet, and looked somewhat human. But its head was that of a terrifying lion. His head looked like a real lion's head! A beastman! Jia Zhengjin examined the body and confirmed it was a real creature, not a fake. This meant he had transmigrated to a world with beastmen! The ship's supplies had sunk into the sea. Fortunately, he found a roughly made iron dagger on one of the bodies. This should be a decent starter weapon, right? As for the clothes on the bodies, although some looked better than what he was wearing, Jia Zhengjin didn't take them. The clothes of the dead were too unlucky; he didn't want to wear them! A virtual screen with bars displaying his status appeared before his eyes, showing his current physical condition just like in a game. ................................................................................................................................................... Status [Health] 43/100 (You need immediate treatment! Eating and resting can slowly restore health.) [Stamina] 51/100 (You are a bit tired. Resting can restore stamina!) [Hunger] 30/100 (You are hungry and need to eat!) [Thirst] 40/100 (You are thirsty and need to drink!) [Body Temperature] 27°C (You are a bit cold. It's best to dry your clothes by a fire!) [Level] LV1 (Experience needed to level up: 0/100) ................................................................................................................................................... It was all real! He had casually mentioned his wish to the ghost messenger, and he really helped him fulfil it! He really had a virtual interface with various functions like in a game, but with even more immersion than when he was playing on a computer. Because now Jia Zhengjin himself was the sole protagonist of this game! "Gurgle~~" His empty stomach growled, and his throat was dry. There was no time to celebrate his dream coming true. Jia Zhengjin began searching for food and drinkable water. Seawater was obviously undrinkable unless he wanted to die! And without tools, he couldn't distill seawater into fresh water! As he passed the bodies on the beach, an option appeared before his eyes: ................................................................................................................................................... [Collect]: Use the dagger to collect raw meat. ................................................................................................................................................... Whether human or beastman, almost all could be collected from. But Jia Zhengjin wasn't about to eat human flesh; the thought alone was disgusting and unacceptable! Fortunately, the beach was rich in resources. After searching for a few minutes, he found a seven or eight-meter-tall coconut tree. "There are coconut trees in another world too." Although he couldn't help but grumble, Jia Zhengjin was secretly pleased. After all, coconut juice could quench his thirst, and the coconut meat could fill his stomach. But the coconut tree was too tall for him to climb. How could he get the coconuts? He thought for a few minutes, then had a flash of inspiration. Now that he had game-like abilities, he shouldn't think like an ordinary person but as a gamer! Since for him reality was now like a game, There was no need to climb the tree! Didn't he just find a dagger? He could just chop down the tree with it! It might be nonsense to try that in his previous world in, but it should work in his new world! Jia Zhengjin acted on his thoughts, swinging the dagger to chop at the coconut tree. Sure enough! The dull dagger left a deep mark on the tree. "I can really chop down trees!" Jia Zhengjin got excited and used his remaining strength to keep chopping. With each chop, the cut at the base of the tree grew larger. After about twenty chops, the whole tree fell with a crash. ................................................................................................................................................... [Message]: You chopped down a coconut tree! You got 3 coconuts and 4 logs! ................................................................................................................................................... Opening his virtual backpack, he saw the coconuts lying quietly inside. Already dizzy with hunger and thirst, Jia Zhengjin took out a coconut, cut it open with the dagger, and drank all the coconut juice. Then he scooped out the coconut meat and ate it with relish. His hunger and thirst were slightly alleviated. Additionally, his health increased by 1 point. Jia Zhengjin finished the remaining two coconuts, bringing his hunger to 71% and his thirst to 100%. This was too much fun! This was the life he had dreamed of! Ever since he got hooked on sandbox survival games, Jia Zhengjin had always fantasized about becoming a game character, collecting, crafting, and building his own world in real life! If he hadn't been so obsessed with this, he wouldn't have died suddenly from playing games and not even realized it. He had stayed in the internet cafe as a ghost, still playing! In other words, he was a bit hopeless! This was definitely not Earth but a completely different world. The sun in the sky was blue, and there were beastmen. Not to mention the beetles on the beach, which had long been extinct on Earth, dating back to the dinosaur era! The forest near the coast had coconut trees, but over 80% of the other plants present were unfamiliar! Regardless, Jia Zhengjin was very satisfied with his current situation. He had died from playing games on Earth and missed the train to the sixth-paths of reincarnation. Now he could be alive again in another world and gain the ability to use game functions in real life. It would be a waste not to make the most of it! Jia Zhengjin planned to use his cheat abilities to survive and thrive in this other world. After all, not everyone gets the chance to transmigrate with cheat abilities; wasting such an opportunity would be a crime! To survive in this other world, he needed to quickly build a shelter and gather enough food and water. Fortunately, the coconut trees on the coast were the best resource. Chopping down coconut trees not only provided wood for building a shelter but also coconuts for food and alleviating thirst. This starting location was perfect! Check out Building a New World  under Novels in   to read more chapters or go to Early access plans  to access chapters before they are released

  • Mage Net Chapter - 1

    “When you set foot here, you will be an enemy of the gods.” A sandalwood table. A person. A writing brush. A stack of parchments. A late-stage chuunibyou opening statement. Tang Shidao wanted to retort, “Did you take your medicine before you went out this morning? I’m just looking for a job to mop the floor or wash the dishes. You’re asking me to be an enemy of the gods? Saving the world is the job of other people’s children. I’m just sitting in front of the TV and watching other people’s children save the world. You’re asking me to be an enemy of the gods? Do you believe that I’ll give you a free room in a mental hospital? “ Tang Shidao wanted to flip the table, but he held back. Because the speaker was a scarecrow! Tang Shidao was able to stand firm and not tremble in the face of a talking scarecrow. This was not a prank from a TV show. Tang Shidao entered the door. In the time it took him to blink, he was already standing in a library. This library was very strange. It had countless bookshelves. These bookshelves were all cylindrical, and each of them was about ten meters in diameter. The most bizarre thing was that each of them had no top. They all looked like towers that reached into the clouds. The top could not be seen at all. The end of the library could not be seen. Looking around, there was an endless number of shelves in all directions. If this was a prank, it would not be possible to set up such a strange view. “Residence: Sun Empire, Earth Emperor Planet, Zulong Country, Nanzhou, Tea City. Name: Tang Shidao. Gender: Male. Is the above information correct? Do you need to correct it? “The scarecrow ignored Tang Shidao’s reaction and only reported a simple paragraph of information. “Yes, that’s right,” Tang Shidao answered subconsciously and tried to think about what was happening. “Welcome to the Mage Network.” The scarecrow showed a scary smile, and his tone changed again. “Do you need to be given a period to scream or run away like crazy? I can understand. That’s what you do in your movies. “ “Oh … There’s no need for that. I’m not an actor,” Tang Shidao was at a loss for words, so he quickly asked, “Then, what do you mean by going against the gods …” “It’s just a saying.” “Huh?” “It’s like you when you say god bless you. If there is a god, do you believe that he will give his blessing just because you said those words? “ “I … don’t think so.” “Hmm, I have no opinion. Please use your way of thinking to understand what we discussed. For example, if you suspect that you are dreaming, this is also a possibility. I must receive you, record you, and guide you through the first round of tests. After that, I won’t care about you anymore. “The scarecrow looked like a teacher who leaves after assigning homework. “What’s the test?” Tang Shidao felt that he had read too many novels and had been tricked by them. “It’s a test to see if you’re qualified to become a mage.” “Why me? Could it be that my aptitude … “ “It’s random.” “…” “Every day, the Mage Net will randomly select an individual, from a random plane as a candidate seed. It’s just like you won the lottery. Now, you’ve won the lottery. Having said that, I have to tell you this, which part of my duties: This doesn’t mean that you’ll be lucky and live a glorious life. All the newbies I’ve seen die died in the first round of the tests. If you don’t pass, you’ll die. One second later, you’ll become an unlucky guy who went to a small hotel to look for a job and was unfortunately killed by a lamp that fell from the ceiling. “ “What if I pass?” Tang Shidao couldn’t stay calm after hearing that. He really did enter a small hotel, and he really did stand under a slightly swaying lamp that seemed like it might fall. “I’ve already told you. Nothing is guaranteed. Don’t you know how to think things through? If you still think you are guaranteed success after you pass and die due to that, you deserve it. “ “…” The scarecrow said as he recorded the information. After he finished writing, he handed a contract to Tang Shidao with the written information. Tang Shidao naively thought that he could take a look at the contract. Who knew that his finger would hurt and a drop of blood would automatically float out, forming a bloody imprint on the sheepskin parchment? Then, all the procedures were unreasonably completed. Tang Shidao was a little dumbfounded. He didn’t say anything. He wondered if there was a professional association that he could complain to. The scarecrow put away the sheepskin document, and the four elemental runes of ‘fire, water, earth, and wind’ appeared on his right palm. “There are three steps to becoming a mage. The first step is to choose a belief. Because you don’t have any fragments of gods' belief, you only have the four primitive choices of fire, water, earth, and wind. Please start, Don’t waste my time, although I’m very free. “ Tang Shidao was almost speechless. “Do I have to choose? I don’t believe in gods.” “I don’t believe in gods either.” “…” “Well then, the Fire God.” You don’t believe in gods and you still want me to believe in them? Tang Shidao felt that there was something wrong with the scarecrow’s head. It was probably full of grass. As soon as he finished speaking. A spark floated to the palm of Tang Shidao’s left hand and branded a fire mark. At the same time, a message floated in Tang Shidao’s mind: .............................................................................................Received the elementary belief of the Fire God, the upper limit of magic power temporarily increased by 1 point. Received Fire Mastery, the effect of fire spells increased by 100%. Received the basic fire spell ‘Fireball’, casting requirement: 1 point of magic power. ............................................................................................... After reading this message, Tang Shidao was stunned. The script was wrong. The scene turned into a fantasy setting in one second, and then into an online game setting in the next second. Did he eat the wrong medicine? “I didn’t expect to become a believer of the Fire God just like that …” “Not satisfied? You can exchange. ” The scarecrow interrupted Tang Shidao’s sudden exclamation, with the tone of a seller who offers an alternative product to a customer dissatisfied with their previous choice. “Belief can be exchanged?” “Of course. Belief is just a choice. It’s like whether you want to wear a suit or a swimsuit. You can wear whatever you like. You can exchange with me now. In the future, when you find the Water God Fragment, Beast God Fragment, War God Fragment, and so on, you can exchange by yourself. “The scarecrow indicated that the ‘God’s Belief’ thing was just for fun. “Can I believe in two?” “No. Can you put a firecracker and a lit match into your mouth at the same time? “ Tang Shidao was speechless. This analogy was really first-rate. Now he understood. The Fire God’s belief was an online game profession, and it was the kind of game where you could change professions at any time. “There are three steps to becoming a mage. For the second step, please randomly draw a talent spell.” The scarecrow didn’t care if Tang Shidao accepted what was said or not and did his own work. In an instant. Countless spell patterns floated in the air. It was even denser than in the sea of people in the Capital. “Must I draw?” Tang Shidao asked subconsciously. “Mages have always been ‘left-hand belief, right-hand talent’. Neither can be missing. According to my duties, I have to tell you: these are the legacies of the mages. All the mages in the Mage Network will leave behind one of their spells after they die. It could be their innate talent spell, it could be the strongest spell that they learned, or it could be the weakest spell that they deliberately left behind. In short, a mage will definitely leave behind one after they die. After you draw, you will enter the entry trial. If you die in this entry trial, the talent spell you draw will automatically become your legacy, “the scarecrow said. Tang Shidao didn’t ask anymore and began to draw randomly. After drawing. Just as he was about to speak, The scarecrow beat him to it. “Young man, please don’t reveal to anyone what your talent spell is. Even if the other party is your parents, your children, your wife, or even your puppet or puppet avatar, you can’t reveal it to them. Telling others what your talent spell is is equivalent to telling everyone what your ‘weakness’ is. “ Tang Shidao looked at his right hand and found that the casting requirement of this talent spell was … 0 MP. At this time, the scarecrow spoke again. “Generally, all spells have casting restrictions. For example, the most common fireball spell requires 1 MP to cast. Talent spells don’t. Talent spells are a special gift from the Mage Network. They will be with you just like your hands and feet. If you draw the ‘Bursting Fireball’ that requires 10 MP as your talent spell, you can cast it with 0 MP. “ Tang Shidao asked subconsciously, “Why?” The scarecrow answered, “There’s no reason. Talent spells are a mage’s talent, just like how fish can swim and birds can fly. Can you tell me why birds can fly? “ Tang Shidao didn’t ask anymore. He understood why he couldn’t tell anyone about his talent spell. Talent spells were a mage’s biggest trump card. “There are three steps to becoming a mage. The third step is to kill a group of the weakest magic monsters and survive.” After the scarecrow finished speaking, he waved his hand, and hundreds of light gates appeared in the library, each with a special symbol. There were little orbs of light, skeleton warriors, mud golems, water monsters, fire beetles, wind elementals, and so on. Tang Shidao really felt like he had been transported into an online game, a game that was either life or death. “Can I ask what the Mage Network is? How many mages are there on Earth Emperor Planet? ” Tang Shidao walked to a light gate marked by a skeleton warrior and turned his head to ask. He felt a little uneasy when he asked the question. Hearing this, The scarecrow stopped writing and said, “About the Mage Network, to put it in a way that you can easily understand, there are people who learn arcane magic in every plane and space, and they jointly build something called the Mage Network. It’s the same as your Internet, except that it stores power, all power related to magic. Your Internet is a network of ‘signals,’ while the Mage Network is a network of ‘power.’ You can download knowledge on the Internet, and power on the Mage Network. As for how many mages there are on Earth Emperor Planet, you should’ve heard me if you haven't been driven crazy with all the new information you heard … One person is randomly selected from each plane. Remember? Not to mention Earth Emperor Planet, you’re the only one in the universe that your little brain can understand. Of course, when you die, the Mage Network will randomly select a second person. “ Tang Shidao was very puzzled. “Just me? Then what’s my mission? “ The scarecrow was also puzzled. “What’s your mission on the Internet?” “Nothing, just wandering around.” “Well, the Mage Network is the same. Nothing, just wandering around. “ “…” Tang Shidao was silent. He thought it through and calmed down … To hell with thinking, my IQ is not online right now. He nodded slightly. To express his gratitude. “It’s fine if it’s just me. Anyway, I don’t want to be a free volunteer for the Hero Team.” With that, Tang Shidao turned and walked into the light gate. He stepped into it. All the 100 Skeleton Warriors with big wooden clubs inside the light gate turned their heads and immediately rushed over with a ‘kacha’ sound. Tang Shidao usually played too many games on the Internet, so he still reacted relatively quickly. Boom! A fireball. A skeleton warrior exploded and fell to the ground. After one move, there were only 99 left. It didn’t seem too difficult. However, Tang Shidao found another problem: he was out of MP! His magic power limit was 1, and he had no MP after using 1 point of MP. It took an hour to recover 1 point of MP. To deal with 99 skeleton warriors, hehehehe … “Now I know why those seniors died … Bad luck.” Tang Shidao laughed at himself and looked at the talent spell on his right hand. It was: Reincarnation! As a newbie in the Mage Network, he should’ve laughed for three days and three nights after obtaining this talent spell. However, the last stage of the Mage Network was to kill monsters … F * ck, can reincarnation help him kill monsters? This is a resurrection spell! It’s not even a holy light kind of spell, and it can’t even hurt the skeleton warriors. This is a dream, okay? I’m just an ordinary third-year high school student who wants to find a job washing dishes to earn some tuition. How did it become ‘killing monsters’?

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