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  • Building a New World - Chapter 16

    Chapter 16: Dangerous Struggle The kobolds were short and small targets, making them difficult to hit from a distance, especially since Jia Zhengjin's archery skills were quite poor. However, once they got closer, it was a different story! As one kobold approached within just a dozen meters, Jia Zhengjin drew his bow again. "Thwack!" This time, he accurately shot it in the neck. The unfortunate kobold was knocked down by the force of the arrow. Although it wouldn’t die immediately, the poison he had coated the arrow with took effect, leaving it to lie motionless on the ground, waiting for death. Seeing that he finally hit his target, Jia Zhengjin’s morale soared. He quickly retreated while shooting, and two more unlucky kobolds were shot, with the arrows piercing through their bodies, leaving them paralyzed by the poison due to their reckless charge. “Argh~~” Despite what happened, the kobolds did not immediately back down. Instead, they roared and surged forward like a swarm. With no way to continue his hit-and-run tactics and unwilling to abandon the otherworldly human, Jia Zhengjin gritted his teeth and stowed his bow in his backpack. He raised his shield with his left hand and brandished his spear with his right, charging straight intending to engage the kobolds in a melee fight ! “Clang! Clang! Clang…” Among the kobolds, about half were still focused on their hostage, while the remaining ten surrounded Jia Zhengjin. This was still a considerable number, and he was quickly overwhelmed, forced to block the incoming blows with his iron shield. Despite its coverage, he couldn’t avoid all the strikes from the kobolds clubs arriving from all directions, which landed hard on him. The intense pain stimulated Jia Zhengjin, especially when these short, unintelligent creatures were piling blows on him, igniting his rage. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he began to retaliate with wild thrusts of his iron spear. The spear was also coated with poison, and the electric discharge that accompanied his attacks caught the kobolds off guard. Two of them, who were closest and had been attacking him most frequently, were struck by the spear’s tip, and in an instant, their skin was torn open. They fell to the ground, convulsing from the paralysis poison afflicting them. “Thwack!” Jia Zhengjin pressed on, stabbing forcefully into one kobold's body, then kicking it aside. “Clang!” Before he could relish his small victory, another kobold struck him hard on the head with a wooden club. Dizziness washed over him, and he felt a warm liquid trickling down his face. “Blood?” He wiped his face with his sleeve and found it immediately stained red, his vision gradually becoming blurry. It was a critical hit! His health suddenly dropped by over 20 points. With the relentless assault from the kobolds, his health plummeted from a 100 to a dangerous 51! Jia Zhengjin roared in anger; if this continued, not only would he fail to save the girl, but he would end up dead himself. He had no intention of dying so easily! With that thought in mind, he forced himself to endure the pain and swung his iron spear with renewed vigor, sending electric sparks flying. After an extended battle, as Jia Zhengjin's stamina dwindled to about 20 points—nearing a critical state—the number of kobolds surrounding him finally decreased from ten to three. Just as he felt he couldn’t hold on any longer, the kobolds finally showed signs of retreat! “Argh~~” They howled at Jia Zhengjin but began to fear the electric power emanating from his spear. Finally, they turned around and fled. However, they were still carrying the hostage. After all the effort he’d put in, almost losing his life, there was no way he would allow their escape to go unchallenged! He quickly switched back to his bow and arrows, trying to push past his current condition and attempting to pursue them, aiming for the kobold carrying the blonde girl. “Thwack!” The arrow flew swiftly, accurately hitting the girl's left foot. “Ah——!” The blonde girl let out a sharp scream, then fell into a paralyzed state due to the poison. “Damn it!” Jia Zhengjin felt embarrassed; his archery skills were truly disgraceful. He had intended to save her but nearly ended up hurting her instead! Fortunately, it only struck her foot, and the poison merely caused paralysis, not death. He quickly nocked another arrow, finally managing to hit one of the kobolds carrying the girl. “Thud!” One kobold fell to the ground, causing the others to lose their balance and the blonde girl to tumble into the grass. The kobolds quickly realized what had happened and attempted to pick up the girl again. But Jia Zhengjin kept firing arrows, and another unlucky kobold was shot through the head, dying instantly! “Argh~~” Completely demoralized, the kobolds abandoned the girl they had intended to eat, turning and scattering into the dense woods. With only 19 health points left, having lost another point due to bleeding after the chase. Jia Zhengjin felt increasingly weak. He began urgently searching the area and soon discovered several patches of [Green Herbs]. The forest was rich in medicinal plants, and green herbs were among them. However, without a constructed alchemy lab, he couldn’t use them to make potions. The basic green herbs could only restore 1 health point each. Luckily, they also had a hemostatic property. His immediate problem wasn’t restoring health but stopping the bleeding. Many herbs had hemostatic effects, and stopping the bleeding from his head wound was his top priority. Using the green herbs for hemostasis, he consumed a few, raising his health points to 30. Although still weak, he was at least temporarily out of danger. Jia Zhengjin walked over to the blonde girl, squatting down to take a closer look at her. From a distance, he could only vaguely see her figure, but now up close, he found that beneath her messy golden hair is a very beautiful face. Her eyebrows were curved like crescent moons. Her large eyes sparkled like two brilliant sapphires, and her long eyelashes framed them perfectly. She had a high, straight nose and a small mouth—she was truly a classic Western beauty. In his past life before coming here, she would definitely be qualified to be a movie star! However, at the moment, the blonde girl stared wide-eyed and motionless, still under the effects of the paralyzing poison. Taking advantage of her paralysis and her temporary resistance to pain due to the poison, Jia Zhengjin awkwardly grasped the arrow lodged in her calf and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that! But hey, at least I saved you. Let’s just forget about that arrow I shot, okay? I’m going to pull it out and bandage you up now; it won’t hurt, I promise!" Jia Zhengjin pulled out the arrow and stowed it in his backpack, then quickly crushed a green herb to apply it to her leg wound. He then picked a broad leaf from a tree, using plant fibers to make a makeshift bandage and secured it with a stick. "Wait here for a moment!" Jia Zhengjin said to the immobile blonde girl, regardless of whether she could understand him. He turned around and raised his iron spear to finish off the paralyzed kobolds one by one. Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 15

    Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 20 🔒

    Chapter 20: Taming the Kobold Jia Zhengjin had accumulated quite a number of logs over the past few days. With the logs he stored in the wooden chest before, he was confident that he would have enough logs to craft the beast pen. He hadn’t mined any ore last night, so he only had 210 iron ores now. If he put in some effort today, he could definitely gather the remaining iron ore he needed to build the beast pen! As for the ropes required for the beast pen, he had plenty of plant fibers, so that was not an issue at all. As for the last thing he needed for the beast pen, the copper ore. He believed that with some diligence, he could mine the required 500 today. To build the beast pen and lessen his workload, Jia Zhengjin decided to cancel all other activities for the day and focus entirely on mining iron and copper ores. He aimed to finish building the beast pen tonight or by the next day! Normally, he would only mine around 200 iron ores a day before moving on to other tasks, as mining was the most exhausting for him! Twenty iron ores are required to smelt one iron ingot, which means that, usually, he would make around ten ingots in a day. But today, he prioritized mining. No matter how tired he felt, he was determined to push through—after taming wild beasts, his hard days would be over! Jia Zhengjin was a man of action. He immediately grabbed his iron pickaxe and began working fervently. Starting early in the morning, he mined near his home. During breaks, he would sit down to rest and sip on coconut juice. With the encouraging morning kiss from Tina, he felt an endless surge of motivation! By lunchtime, he had successfully mined enough iron ore. Excited, he rushed home to roast meat with Tina and Little Gray. After lunch, he immediately went back out to find a spot where he could mine copper ore and got to work with fervor. After several hours of labor in the afternoon, and with plenty of time before sunset, Jia Zhengjin suddenly felt his muscles ache from exhaustion and he couldn’t exert any strength. He hadn’t accounted for his current stamina and strength, and the high-intensity mining had left him drained. He had only mined around 200 copper ores, still far from the required 500 copper ores, and he had also worried Tina, who had stayed up all night taking care of him. Fortunately, with his special abilities, when he woke up the next day, his health and stamina were fully restored, and he felt revitalized! “Thank you for your hard work!” Seeing Tina, who had not slept well while keeping watch over him throughout the night, Jia Zhengjin softly said, trying not to wake her. After sharing some roasted meat with Little Gray, he placed a portion next to Tina before heading out with his iron pickaxe again. As usual, he first checked the traps, eliminating a few kobolds and strange creatures that had fallen in. He then quickly returned to focus on mining copper ore. After all his effort to mine the remaining copper ore, he finally managed to gather 500 copper ores before lunchtime! Now that he had enough logs, iron, copper, and ropes, he would be able to build the beast pen when he got back! When Jia Zhengjin returned, he found that Tina had already eaten breakfast and was now asleep again. There was no helping it; after all, she had nothing else to do at home, and she hadn’t slept well the night before. Little Gray’s barking woke the sleeping Tina. Upon seeing Jia Zhengjin, she quickly sat up, drowsily untangling her messy golden hair. “Time for lunch!” Jia Zhengjin could only roast meat again. Noticing that Tina seemed to be getting a bit tired of it, he pulled out a coconut, opened it, and handed it to her. Tina looked at him with affection, then lowered her head to sip the coconut’s juice while delicately eating the roasted meat, as if it somehow tasted even better now. “Just endure for a few more days! I’ll build the beast pen soon, and then we can get some wild beasts to help me gather resources!” Jia Zhengjin gently wiped the grease off her small mouth with his hand, “As long as we have enough resources, after making the crafting table, I can craft a pot that we can use to cook even more delicious food!” Tina didn’t understand what he was saying, but she smiled shyly, clearly enjoying the rough sensation of his hand brushing against her cheek. “Little Gray!” Jia Zhengjin glanced at the kobold hiding in the crevice, “You’re going to be my test subject later, alright? If kobolds can be tamed, I’ll find you some companions!” Little Gray ignored him, focused solely on devouring its meat. After finishing lunch, Jia Zhengjin took out the resources in the wooden chest and set out with the blueprint and his backpack full of resources. Quietly giving the command to use the blueprint, the beast pen construction blueprint transformed into light and disappeared, revealing a massive beast pen framework before him, along with a prompt that read, “Please select the construction location for the beast pen!” If the ground was uneven or there were objects in the way, the display would indicate that construction couldn’t occur, turning the framework red. In contrast, suitable areas would turn the framework green. Tina was peeking out from the doorway, watching Jia Zhengjin. she saw him raise his hands and point to the empty space to the right of the house, then a circular area enclosed by a wooden fence appeared, complete with a wooden feeding trough and a haystack. Having seen this magical scene, Tina couldn’t help but gasp in amazement. [Beast Pen Lv1]: Can tame up to 2 wild beasts at once. At the next level, it can tame 4. Materials required to upgrade: 4000 logs, 1000 iron ore, 1000 copper ore, 200 ropes! “Only two wild beasts can be tamed with a Level 1 beast pen?” Jia Zhengjin felt a bit disappointed; this was not what he expected. But on second thought, two beasts were still acceptable! He could always upgrade the beast pen later! Feeling a bit better, he thought about the various possibilities. The test subject for testing the beast pen would undoubtedly be Little Gray, since kobolds were the easiest to catch in traps. Although they walked upright like humans and could wield wooden clubs, they should still be classified as beasts, right? Jia Zhengjin turned to the astonished Tina and waved, pointing back into the room, “Tina, bring Little Gray out!” Tina didn’t understand his words but recognized her name and Little Gray’s, quickly understanding. She went inside and led the kobold back to Jia Zhengjin’s side. “Tina, you’re so smart!” Jia Zhengjin took the rope and gently stroked her silky golden hair. Tina immediately displayed a blissful expression, clearly enjoying this gesture. “Little Gray, don’t be afraid!” Turning to the timid kobold, Jia Zhengjin forcibly pulled it in front of the beast pen. [Message]: Found a tamable beast [Kobold]. Would you like to place it in the beast pen? Of course, he selected “Yes!” Jia Zhengjin clicked to confirm in the virtual interface, and Little Gray immediately vanished, reappearing inside the beast pen. “Aw~~” Little Gray, now in an unfamiliar fenced area, began to panic and run around frantically, barking loudly. Jia Zhengjin noticed the options of [Feed], [Calm], [Tame], and [Release] in front of the feeding trough. He quickly selected “Calm.” Little Gray immediately quieted down, sitting still on the ground. “Interesting!” Jia Zhengjin then clicked on "Tame." [Message]: Taming the Kobold will take 1 hour. Would you like to continue? Of course, he clicked “Yes” without hesitation! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 19 🔒

    Chapter 19: The Blueprint for the Beast Pen It was an indescribably wonderful night. For the first time since Jia Zhengjin transmigrated into this world, he hadn’t been grinding skill levels every spare moment he had. Tina was so proactive, showing a lot of affection to Jia Zhengjin despite him being a stranger she had just met. Jia Zhengjin had thought she was accustomed to being like this around men, but unexpectedly, last night, he had found out that he was her first. He didn’t realize that in this dangerous world, the most vulnerable groups often chose to align themselves with the strong in order to survive. They were willing to offer their loyalty in exchange for their safety and protection. Coming from a peaceful country, Jia Zhengjin couldn’t comprehend this mindset. In Tina’s eyes, someone who could single-handedly defeat a large group of kobolds, wields a weapon infused with lightning, heals her leg injury with magical spells, and summons various items from thin air (as Jia Zhengjin did using his virtual backpack), was undoubtedly a powerful figure! Tina’s mother, Lantis, had relied on her father’s protection to ensure their family’s safety until now. Although she found herself lost in this terrifying beast-infested forest, she had no idea if her parents were searching for her or not. She couldn’t say for certain if they would be able to find her and protect her. From a young age, Tina had been taught the survival rules of this world. So when she accidentally became lost in the beast forest and was nearly devoured by the kobolds, she felt fortunate to be rescued. When a strong individual seemed to express interest in her, despite the language barrier and not knowing which country he belonged to, she saw him as a perfect candidate to protect her—he was strong and, despite his lean frame, somewhat handsome, making him an ideal figure to rely on. Now that Tina was of age, she was certainly willing to follow a strong figure she admired. Jia Zhengjin was quite happy to have stumbled upon such a beauty from another world! Waking up in the morning, he found a delicate, snow-white body pressed against him. The warmth of the girl, Tina, who was sleeping peacefully against his chest, filled him with an inexplicable sense of responsibility! Before transmigrating, he had never imagined he could have any relationship with such a pure and charming girl, especially one so voluptuous! Life here in this world was so wonderful! Unable to resist, Jia Zhengjin wrapped his arms around her and leaned down to gently kiss her forehead. “Mo Pu Lu Xiu.” His kiss caused Tina’s long eyelashes to flutter, and she shyly opened her eyes. Looking at the man beside her, she buried her head in his chest and murmured something that sounded like a morning greeting. Though the tender moment was delightful, Jia Zhengjin didn’t forget the dangerous situation they were in. So no matter how much he wanted to linger in this beautiful moment, he reluctantly got up to prepare for the new day’s labor! “Tina, eat more! You must be exhausted due to what happened last night, so you need to replenish your strength!” Jia Zhengjin roasted a golden, fragrant piece of meat, unable to suppress his joy as he watched the girl. “Stay at home and rest, you can’t go wandering around!” Tina still couldn’t understand his words, but she shyly accepted the piece of roasted meat he offered her, inching closer to him, leaning her head on his chest as she daintily ate. “Aw~~ Aw~~” The delicious aroma of the roasted meat roused Little Gray, who poked his head out from a crevice, timidly letting out a few calls. “Go away, you little lightbulb!” Jia Zhengjin grumpily tossed a piece of roasted meat to it. Little Gray immediately grabbed the meat and retreated back into his hiding spot to devour it. At first, Jia Zhengjin had intended to finish his meal quickly and head out to work, but with the clingy little beauty in his arms, he found himself indulging in her presence once more. After finally managing to finish eating, he repeated “Tina, stay at home!” several times, gesturing as he took out his bow and mimicked a hunting pose. Only then did the little beauty seem to understand his meaning, obediently saying, “Fo Ma Li Ya!” “Does that mean ‘safe travels’?” Jia Zhengjin guessed. Tina gently kissed him on the cheek, then sat by the campfire, shyly smiling. “I’m full of energy thanks to your kiss!” Jia Zhengjin declared with renewed vigor, “I’m off!” With Tina around, he was even more mindful of his personal safety. After all, his safety wasn’t just his concern; it also concerned the woman waiting for him to return. With increased caution, Jia Zhengjin donned his mushroom headdress, picked up his bow, and carefully, stealthily, approached the trap area to check today’s haul. Today, there were no kobolds in the traps! A few traps had been crushed by some giant creature. Only one trap was still intact, holding a strange creature resembling a black panther with horns, lying there weakly. Being a feline creature, it was hard to believe it could be caught in such a simple trap; they were usually incredibly agile, even climbing trees effortlessly. However, as Jia Zhengjin observed its hooved feet, he finally understood why it had fallen prey to his trap. Although the traps only managed to catch one creature, it was still better than nothing! Jia Zhengjin immediately notched an arrow to his bow and shot the panther before the panther could spring back to life. Who knew if the creatures in this world had the ability to play dead or not? Safety first! [Message]: You killed a Felomira, gaining 40 experience points! So this strange creature was called a Felomira? Jia Zhengjin jumped into the trap and began to loot the corpse. [Message]: You obtained the fur of a Felomira! [Message]: You obtained the tusks of a Felomira! [Message]: You obtained the [Beast Pen Construction Blueprint]! [Message]: You obtained iron ore! “Why the heck is an ire ore part of the loot?” Jia Zhengjin looked exasperated. This absurd creature from another world dropped some ridiculous items. “Do I really need the creatures i kill to drop iron ores for me? Can’t I just mine them myself?” But what was this [Beast Pen Construction Blueprint]? Jia Zhengjin took out his dagger to gather meat, fur, and entrails from the Felomira, then climbed out of the trap to cover it up again. He also dug a few more traps with his stone shovel before retreating to a quieter spot. He took out the newly acquired [Beast Pen Construction Blueprint] to examine it closely. This was something he hadn’t encountered in the games he played before. [Beast Pen Construction Blueprint]: Can be used to build a beast pen; a cage for taming wild beasts. The higher the level of the beast pen, the stronger the beasts that can be tamed. Tamed beasts can be trained as mounts, resource-gathering pets, and heavy-load carriers. Materials required for construction: 2000 logs, 500 iron ore, 500 copper ore, 100 ropes. Upon seeing the description of the beast pen, Jia Zhengjin was instantly excited. “I’ve hit the jackpot with this! The required materials are alot, but they are all obtainable! Resource-gathering pets, as the name suggests, could help him gather various resources. This is exactly what Jia Zhengjin needs! collecting different resources by himself every day, plus hunting, has left him utterly exhausted! Now with Tina added to the mix, he was even more fatigued! If he could tame some resource-gathering pets, he could finally relieve himself from this burden! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 18 🔒

    Chapter 18: Tina's Misunderstanding Jia Zhengjin and the blonde girl, Tina, still couldn't communicate, but she could barely understand some basic gestures and movements. "Tina!" Jia Zhengjin called her name and waved at her, prompting her to limp over. Then, Jia Zhengjin pointed at the room, then at the door, and started making monster-like motions. Although Tina was amused and laughed, her frail body trembling with giggles, She still managed to grasp Jia Zhengjin’s motions’ meaning that it was dangerous outside and obediently stayed inside the room. When Jia Zhengjin took out the roasted meat and mimicked eating, there was no need for any additional explanations other than that. He, a person from Earth and Tina, a person from this world were like two mutes; aside from knowing each other's names, they could only communicate through basic gestures like this. "This herb, apply it to the wound!" As Jia Zhengjin became more familiar with Tina, he took out a crushed green herb and pointed to her cleaned foot wound. Tina stared blankly at Jia Zhengjin. After repeating himself several times and gesturing, she finally understood. She allowed him to apply the herb to her wound and wrap it up. "This medicine is very effective!" After wrapping her wound up, Jia Zhengjin lowered his head to show her his own head, "The wound will disappear once your health is full again. You just need to stay in the room and rest, and your leg won't hurt anymore!" "Mo Pu Lu Xiu!" The blonde girl didn’t understand what he was saying, but she reached out and touched his head, smiling as she spoke. "If only I had a portable translator!" Jia Zhengjin sighed, "Hey! You, Tina!" "Tina!" The blonde girl pointed to herself and nodded. "It’s Little Gray! Understand?" Jia Zhengjin pointed at the little kobold and introduced him. "Ah Wei!" Tina mispronounced but also pointed at Little Gray. "You two, stay here!" Jia Zhengjin pointed at the floor, then took out his iron pickaxe, making a mining motion, "I, Jia Zhengjin! Am going to mine! Do you understand?" "Giggle~~" Tina watched his funny movements and couldn’t help but let out a melodious laugh. She even imitated his actions, laughing while pretending to mine. "Such a silly girl~~" Jia Zhengjin could only gesture for her to sleep, then said, "Tina, sleep! Don't go out! Understand?" "Xiu Dou Lei!" Tina clearly picked up on Jia Zhengjin's temporary catchphrase, nodding happily as she repeated it, whether she understood it or not, "Xiu Dou Lei! Xiu Dou Lei..." How exhausting! This nonsensical situation left Jia Zhengjin feeling very frustrated. But seeing Tina’s happy smile made him feel relieved, "Do as you like! I’m going to work; you and Little Gray keep an eye on this place!" "Xiu Dou Lei~~" The blonde girl raised her hands waving goodbye, causing her impressive curves to jiggle. Jia Zhengjin nearly had a nosebleed and hurriedly grabbed his iron pickaxe, turning to head out. "Ding! Ding! Ding..." Jia Zhengjin mined close to home, the iron pickaxe striking the rock with a dull thud. During this time, Tina peeked out of the door a few times. After confirming Jia Zhengjin was nearby, she returned to the room to stay put. With Tina staying inside, Jia Zhengjin felt much more at ease. After all, he had to be extremely cautious outside. If he encountered a dangerous creature, he might not be able to save himself let alone protect Tina! After leveling up, he had unlocked the crafting table. As long as he mined enough iron ore to smelt fifty iron ingots, and then mined copper ore to create enough copper ingots, he would be able to successfully craft it! He could mine the iron and copper ores he needed nearby, and as for the logs needed to build the crafting table, trees were everywhere. Time was of the essence! Once the crafting table was created, he could produce more refined weapons, tools, and armor, as well as many essential life tools. This was the most important thing right now; he absolutely couldn’t waste time! Moreover, the stone blocks he mined could be turned into stone bricks, which would help him build a brick house for Tina nearby. His current house was too small; with two people and a dog, it felt very cramped. For now, he would make do. Once things settled down and he had the better tools, he would build a nicer, larger residence. The matchbox-like house was easy to make, but its appearance was truly shabby; it was just used as a temporary shelter in the early stages in the game. What Jia Zhengjin really wanted to live in was the magnificent castle he had spent over a month building in the game before his transmigration! Mining was a monotonous and tedious task, but Jia Zhengjin had grown accustomed to it. After several hours of hard work, he had made significant progress. Although he was still far from collecting the materials needed for the crafting table, he was steadily moving in the right direction to building it. As the sky grew darker, though his stamina was still holding up, Jia Zhengjin decided to stop for the day. With the remaining time before complete darkness, he planned to build a new house for Tina since he had enough stone blocks. Just as he ended his work for the day and was preparing to quickly build the house before sunset, the sky suddenly darkened and began pouring down rain in heavy droplets. "What's with this weather?" The sudden downpour without warning caught Jia Zhengjin by surprise, drenching him. He cursed as he ran back home, hurriedly stripping off his clothes in front of the campfire to dry off. But the next moment, he saw Tina sitting in the room, her face flushed, her head was lowered, and her eyes were closed, and he suddenly remembered that he wasn't alone! He felt awkward for a moment, but he couldn’t put his wet clothes back on. Fortunately, he had already crafted a spare set of fiber clothes, which he quickly used to cover his bare body: "Uh, I didn’t mean to do that!” “Mo Pu Lu Xiu!” Tina clasped her hands in front of her chest, her face flushed as she glanced at him. After struggling for a moment, she finally stood up. Her foot was fine now, and she was able to walk normally now. Once Tina stood up, she fidgeted nervously, rubbing her fingers together. After a while, she took a deep breath and slowly walked up to Jia Zhengjin, kneeling before him. She spoke a long string of words he couldn’t understand, her sapphire-like eyes sparkling with shyness. The meaning of this otherworldly girl’s words was: "You are a powerful warrior who saved my humble life! If you wish for that, I am willing to serve you for life, following you in this lifetime!" It was clear that she had misunderstood Jia Zhengjin's earlier intentions when he stripped down, leading her to make such a choice after an intense internal struggle. "What are you talking about?" Jia Zhengjin had no clue what she meant. But the next moment, the girl shyly stood up, and as her clothes slid down her body, blood spurted from his nose... Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 17 🔒

    Chapter 17: The Girl Tina The kobolds didn’t leave him with much loot; the wooden clubs they dropped were all of poor quality. However, he did gain enough experience to level up to level 4. The bar showing the progress to the next level showed 5/800. Without hesitation, he allocated his skill point to [Unlock Crafting table], as today’s battle had made him acutely aware of the importance of a complete set of iron armor! “Hey! Can you move?” After collecting the loot, he took a look at the blonde beauty, only to find her still stiff like a puppet. Jia Zhengjin examined her closely. “We both have blonde hair; we can’t be siblings, can we?” Of course, the blonde beauty couldn’t answer and didn’t even understand Jia Zhengjin’s Mandarin. After asking a few questions, Jia Zhengjin felt a bit foolish. This was a different world; how could Mandarin possibly be widespread here? The kobolds could return at any moment, so he definitely couldn’t stay here any longer. Who knows when he will be in danger again if he just stayed here? Despite feeling weak, Jia Zhengjin bent down and picked up the blonde beauty in a princess carry, one hand was supporting her well-rounded backside and the other her back, with his palm resting under her armpit. This was the most efficient way to carry her: “Come on! Let’s hurry back home. I need to eat some meat and get a good night's sleep to restore my health!” The blonde girl remained in a paralyzed state, allowing Jia Zhengjin to carry her as he stealthily moved through the grass. "Wow, your butt is really big!" After a few steps, Jia Zhengjin was out of breath; the aftermath of the battle left him fatigued, making it harder to carry her. “Your chest is also quite large; all your weight seems to be in these two areas, huh? It’s all your fault that my back feels like it’s going to break from carrying you!” The blonde girl didn’t understand what he was saying, but even in her paralyzed state, she knew where his hands were placed—right on her most sensitive areas. Especially since his right hand, whether intentionally or not, kept brushing against her chest. Although she felt numb all over, her eyes were wide open. The blonde girl's face slowly turned red. After a great deal of effort, Jia Zhengjin finally carried the blonde girl back to his base. He quickly entered the house and laid her down on a sleeping bag, then turned around to lock the door: “Oh my gosh! I’ll never take such risks again; I almost lost my life!” “Aw aw awo!” Little Gray was hiding in a crevice, barking loudly at Jia Zhengjin. “Hey! You little thing, now you’re being full of yourself, to the extent that you don’t recognize me? You’ve got some nerve barking at me!” Jia Zhengjin angrily raised his fist. “I almost got killed by your kind just now. If you keep barking, believe me when I say I’ll take it out on you” “Woo~~” Little Gray was frightened by Jia Zhengjin’s imposing manner and shrank back, burying its head in its hiding spot, leaving only its trembling butt sticking out. “Phew~~” Jia Zhengjin sat down to catch his breath and pulled out a piece of roasted meat to devour. When his hunger and thirst levels exceeded 80%, his health would slowly recover. After eating his fill, Jia Zhengjin made another sleeping bag and placed it next to the blonde girl, then lay on his side to look at her: “This house was built to only fit me inside, so it’s a bit cramped. I need to sleep for a bit to recover my health, and once my wounds heal, I’ll build you a small house, alright?” After saying this, he crawled into the sleeping bag, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. When he awoke, he felt refreshed. His health had fully recovered to 100 points, and the wound on his head had disappeared. This was indeed a great benefit of reincarnating into this new world—no matter how severe the injury he suffered is, as long as it was treated in time, he could recover completely! “Hey! Where did the little beauty go?” Realizing that the blonde girl was no longer in the sleeping bag beside him, Jia Zhengjin hurriedly sat up. Turning his head, he saw that the door was still open. It seemed she had woken up before he did when the effect of the poison wore off. But the problem was that her foot was injured; if she ran around in the forest, she would soon become someone else’s food! It would be a pity if the girl he almost risked his life to save just ran away! If he had known, he wouldn’t have untied her earlier! Feeling anxious, Jia Zhengjin quickly grabbed his iron spear and rushed out of the room. He soon spotted the blonde girl sitting by the river, reaching down to wash the wound on her foot. He let out a sigh of relief: “I thought you had run off! This forest is very dangerous; running around carelessly could cost you your life!” Upon hearing his voice, the blonde girl turned around like a startled deer, and when she saw Jia Zhengjin, she relaxed. She opened her mouth and uttered a string of sounds that resembled a language: “Mo Jie la Mo Ha la, Mo Pu Lu Xiu!” “I don’t understand, but you must be thanking me, right?” After carefully scanning the surroundings to ensure there were no dangerous creatures nearby, Jia Zhengjin put away his spear and walked over to her. “I’m Jia Zhengjin, a person from Earth! What about you?” “Fo Fu Lu Xiu?” The blonde girl replied, her tone filled with confusion. With a language barrier, how could they communicate? Jia Zhengjin scratched his head, suddenly struck with inspiration. He pointed to himself and said, “Jia Zhengjin!” “Fo Fu Lu Xiu?” The blonde girl still looked bewildered. “Jia Zhengjin!” He could only repeat himself. “Fo Fu Lu Xiu?” The blonde girl remained perplexed. “Jia~~ Zheng~~ Jin~~” Jia Zhengjin deliberately slowed his speech and repeated it several times. Finally, the blonde girl seemed to understand, her face lighting up with realization: “Jia~~ Jiang~~ Ji~~” “Jia Zhengjin, not Jia Jiang Ji! By the way, what kind of species is Jia Jiang Ji?” Jia Zhengjin could only repeat clearly once more, “Jia~~ Zheng~~ Jin~~” “Jia~~ Ji En~~ Jin~~” Although the blonde girl’s pronunciation was off, it was clear she was trying her best. “Whatever! I’ll take it!” Jia Zhengjin pointed at himself, then pointed at the blonde girl. “Jia Zhengjin! What about you?” “Jia~~ Ji En~~ Jin~~” The blonde girl first pointed at Jia Zhengjin, then slowly pointed to herself, happily blinking her eyes. “Tina!” "Tina?" Jia Zhengjin was overjoyed, he asked confirming that he was getting it right, "Your name is Tina?" “Tina!” The blonde girl nodded vigorously, then pointed at him, “Jia Ji En Jin!” “It’s Jia Zhengjin~~ Whatever! It still sounds somewhat similar.” Jia Zhengjin gave up trying to correct her. “It’s dangerous here; don’t wander around alone!” “Fo Fu Lu Xiu?” The blonde girl tilted her head, looking perplexed. “Great! Back to square one~~” Jia Zhengjin helplessly slapped his forehead. After thinking for a moment, he raised both hands and made a silly face. “Here, there are wild beasts that go ‘a wu a wu’! They will eat you!” “Ah wu ah wu?” The blonde girl was amused and let out a delightful, bell-like laughter. Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 14

    Chapter 14: A Giant Bird Falls from the Sky On the fourth day since reincarnating here, Jia Zhengjin was finally free from worries about food and clothing. He had found a safe and efficient way to obtain food, as well as a method to hunt kobolds using traps for leveling up. The kobolds were indeed one of the low intelligence races. Despite losing many of their kind to the traps, they would still foolishly return the next day to drink water, stupidly falling into the traps and waiting for death. The kobolds that escaped wouldn't dare to come back on the same day, but by the next day, they would have forgotten about it and they would return again! They were stupid otherworldly creatures, but also ones that Jia Zhengjin quite liked. Because they reliably provided him with a considerable amount of experience points every day. They also had a chance to drop weapons and accessories, although their drops were all of the lowest, poor quality. While collecting iron ore, he was also working hard to level up his tool crafting skill. With his skill level being over level 3, he could at least produce various tools of normal quality now! Jia Zhengjin was steadily mining and hunting near his home every day, because entering the dangerous and unknown otherworldly forest could easily cost him his life if he wasn't careful! There's a saying that goes, "Trouble falls from the sky while you sit at home!" Despite Jia Zhengjin's cautious attitude, unexpected events could still occur around him. Wasn't he just diligently mining today? He hadn't provoked anyone, but as he was mining, he suddenly felt the sky darken in an instant. Looking up, he saw the golden giant bird he had encountered earlier in the forest, the one with the lightning skill, falling from the sky and crashing directly onto him. If it weren't for his good luck and the presence of a huge rock nearby, he would have been instantly flattened into a meat paste by this giant bird. At first, Jia Zhengjin was very scared. He quickly switched his iron pickaxe for an iron shield and stone spear, assuming a battle stance ready to fight at any moment. But he soon discovered that the golden giant bird was motionless - it had already died! He cautiously poked it a few times with his stone spear, and indeed, there was no response. Only then did he grow bolder and approach to examine it closely. It appeared to have been killed by fire, as its left leg was completely cooked, and half of its body was emitting a meaty aroma. Seeing the fire damage reminded him of the giant python that had fought with the golden giant bird that day. Jia Zhengjin hastily and cautiously surveyed the surroundings, sighing in relief when he found no sign of the giant python. Perhaps this golden giant bird had received a fatal blow from the python's flames during their battle, but had retreated, only to finally succumb to its injuries and fall from the sky when it could no longer hold on later? Jia Zhengjin didn't know the actual circumstances, so he could only speculate. In any case, a golden giant bird's carcass falling from the sky and nearly crushing him could be considered a misfortune. But freely obtaining such a large carcass, with all the bird meat and feathers to collect, was an enormous stroke of good luck! The only downside in this situation was the lack of a refrigerator, making it impossible to store too much meat. Even if he and his pet Little Grey ate as much as they could, a lot of meat would still spoil due to its limited shelf life. A refrigerator, huh... The prerequisites for crafting one were too much for him. Even if he had skill points to unlock it, he couldn't craft one right now. Regardless, resources shouldn't be wasted. If they couldn't eat it all, they could use it as bait in traps to capture more centipedes and collect poison sacs and strange silk, which would be very useful! Thinking of this, Jia Zhengjin immediately took out his dagger and began collecting. The large amount of bird meat, feathers, and even entrails excited him greatly! However, he also obtained a strange item called [Lightning Core]. It was a golden, faceted, block-like object. its material looked a bit like quartz, but it was clearly denser and emitted a mysterious power. [Lightning Core Lv1] The lowest grade lightning energy core that can be fused into weapons to allow the fused weapons' attacks to gain the power of lightning. This was something he hadn't seen before, but from the description, it seemed to be quite a good item. Jia Zhengjin thought for a moment, then decided to take out the iron ingots he had been saving to make a crafting table. He used twelve iron ingots and a wooden stick to craft a [Poor Quality Iron Spear], then tried placing the [Lightning Core] on the iron spear. "Whoosh~~" Something magical happened. The Lightning Core burst into golden light, instantly enveloping the entire iron spear. Then the light gradually faded, and the Lightning Core disappeared. Only the iron spear in his hand remained, now with a distinct lightning mark on its tip. [Lightning Spear Lv1] This spear contains the power of lightning and can release electric currents to attack enemies in battle! Jia Zhengjin tried swinging the spear and indeed found that as he moved it, crackling electric currents appeared where the spear passed. However, this electric current didn't seem very strong. It was at least dozens of times weaker than the golden giant bird's lightning. When he reached out to touch the electric current himself, he only felt that his body was paralyzed for a few seconds, without causing much damage. Nevertheless, this spear was still much stronger than a stone spear! In battle, this electricity-emitting spear would significantly improve his melee combat ability! Jia Zhengjin fondly played with it for quite a while before finally storing the Lightning Spear in his backpack. The golden giant bird's skeleton was too massive to simply bury anywhere. So he could only break it down into many bones and temporarily store them in his virtual backpack. To be honest, he didn't want to collect bones because apart from crafting bone knives, they were only useful for making bone glue and then using the bone glue to produce standard glue. Although glue was a very useful item, that was for the later stages! Making glue now would just waste space. The most important thing was still to mine and level up various tool, weapon, and armor crafting skills. The item used to make the Lightning Spear was the [Lightning Core Lv1], so what would be the level of the giant python's fire core? If he could collect a core from it, it should be a fire attributed one, right? Would its power be several times stronger than this one? After all, the golden giant bird was defeated by the giant python! Thinking about doing this was one thing, but he didn't believe he currently had the ability to defeat that fire-breathing giant python. Even if he could craft guns and cannons later, taking it on alone would still be risky! Unless he had a rocket launcher, then he might have a chance to snipe and instantly kill it from afar! For now, it was better not to think about such unrealistic things. Crafting the iron spear had used up twelve iron ingots, which meant he would need to spend an extra day mining iron ore to be able to craft the crafting table. Creating the crafting table sooner would allow him to craft more and better quality tools, weapons, and armors, which would undoubtedly help with surviving in this otherworld. Especially if he could successfully craft a full set of iron armor, he would be much more confident in facing kobolds head-on without using traps! After all, it would be nearly impossible for the kobolds with their wooden clubs to break through a complete set of iron armor! Although kobolds were cowardly, they could be quite vicious when in groups and when they had an advantage. Only by showing them that resistance was futile would they scatter and flee. They were a race that bullied the weak and feared the strong! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 13

    Chapter 13: Capturing the Chocobo The grilled fish he had for breakfast left Jia Zhengjin with a lingering sense of satisfaction. Although coconuts could fill him up, having fruit for all three meals every day felt somehow difficult. It was only after eating real meat that he felt his strength truly return! "This is the same type of centipede as before!" He held his shield in his left hand and spear in his right, following the trail of slime left by the centipedes. He eventually found a cave, where he could see countless giant centipedes crawling in and out, emitting bone-chilling hisses. Jia Zhengjin instantly lost his courage. He could barely win in a one-on-one fight, let alone against a whole nest of giant centipedes! He estimated that if each centipede spat out a mouthful of poison, he would be completely submerged. However, he still wanted to use the centipedes' poison sacs for fishing or hunting. The only option now seemed to be setting traps! After roughly calculating the distance, he took out his stone shovel, found an open area, and dug several trap pits on the spot. This time, he filled the pits with sharp wooden spikes – any centipede falling in would be impaled! The traps were set, but how to lure the centipedes over was a problem. The one from last night had probably stumbled into his home's area by accident, unluckily stepping on the wooden spikes. He couldn't use himself as bait. If these centipedes discovered him, he'd have no chance of escape! Jia Zhengjin sat cross-legged, pressing his middle fingers to his temple, and closed his eyes in deep thought. Suddenly, inspiration struck, and he quickly returned the way he came. He dug up the fish entrails he had buried by the river that morning and brought them back, throwing them into several of the traps. Then he quickly retreated, hiding behind a large boulder on a nearby hillock. The stench of the entrails indeed attracted the centipedes. They crawled towards the traps one after another, ready to enjoy a feast. However, the sharp wooden spikes instantly pierced through the first centipedes to arrive. These unfortunate creatures struggled desperately, only to have their companions pressing down on them from behind, creating a perfect kill assist! The fastest centipedes to arrive became cannon fodder, their lives claimed mercilessly by the traps and their own companions. The luckier centipedes, protected by the bodies of their comrades, found out that the wooden spikes were no longer a threat to them and left satisfied after eating the fish entrails. After observing for a long time and waiting until the centipedes that had enjoyed the fish entrails had all left, Jia Zhengjin carefully crept over to check his traps. The traps had killed a total of nine giant centipedes. Although he gained no experience, they yielded nine precious poison sacs and 9 units of strange silk. Jia Zhengjin decided to quit while he was ahead, especially since he had used up all of today's fish entrails. "With these poison sacs, fishing and hunting will be no problem!" He happily smeared poison on his stone spear, glancing at the distant centipede cave. From now on, this would be his poison sac collection base. Whenever he ran out of poison sacs, he could come here to get more – he felt that his life was full of joy now at this realization! He also applied poison to his arrows, deciding it was time for a proper meal with meat. Fish was meat too, but it was still different. The forest had no shortage of various otherworldly creatures, and right now, Jia Zhengjin had set his sights on a lone small deer. He wasn't sure if it was actually a deer, as it only resembled one in shape. Its antlers weren't separated into left and right but instead were clustered together like coral, it was quite peculiar. Moreover, this strange deer had black and white patterns on its body – if one weren't paying attention, one might think it was a zebra! At this moment, this zebra-striped, coral-antlered otherworldly creature was lowering its head and grazing contentedly, completely unaware of Jia Zhengjin hiding in the grass, trying not to make a sound as he slowly approached. "This is the spot!" Jia Zhengjin chose the most suitable attacking position, then slowly stood up, revealing his bright mushroom headdress. Beneath the mushroom headdress, he nocked an arrow and aimed at his prey. "Hoo~~" He took a deep breath and held it, steadying his hands from the tremors caused by his irregular breathing. His right eye confirmed the trajectory toward the strange animal. "Whoosh!" After pulling the bowstring to its maximum, he released it with force. The poisoned arrow instantly flew! "Lulu~~" The zebra-striped strange deer leaped up and quickly disappeared from view. Jia Zhengjin rushed over, only to find the arrow sticking straight up from the head of a very plump, bird-like creature. "Gah~~" A flock of creatures similar to this strange bird fled in panic. Their wings were too small to fly, but their legs were extremely developed, allowing them to run as fast as headless ostriches. "Ahem! I was aiming for this one from the start... That's right! that's it exactly!" Jia Zhengjin blinked, unsure if he was reassuring himself or explaining to some non-existent person in the air in front of him. [Message]: You have killed a Chocobo, gaining 15 experience points! So this plump, neckless ostrich-like creature was called a Chocobo? To be honest, he hadn't even noticed these fellows earlier, only seeing the deer. Despite their large size, they managed to hide in the bushes without being detected, mainly due to their green feathers that blended in with the environment, as well as the particularly lush bushes of this otherworld. Such a large Chocobo would provide enough meat for Jia Zhengjin to eat well for several days! And its feathers were exactly what he needed to make arrows. you might ask, Isn't it too big to carry? No way! Jia Zhengjin took out his dagger and easily used his skills to break down the Chocobo's carcass into a large amount of bird meat and feathers. Of course, he also stored the entrails in his virtual backpack to take with him – these were important items for hunting centipedes to obtain poison sacs. As for the remaining Chocobo bones, Jia Zhengjin dug a hole and buried them to avoid attracting dangerous carnivores. He had finally found a relatively safe place to build his home, and it would be truly unacceptable if large, terrifying carnivores appeared nearby! The food problem was now solved. With bird meat, coconuts, and the ability to fish anytime, he could say he was now free from worries about food and clothing. So next, he needed to gather resources more diligently every day to advance his skills! At his current gathering speed, the iron ore he collected in a day was only enough to make one iron tool. And these iron tools that he could make with his gathering speed already only required a low quantity of ores! Keep in mind that, iron armor with decent defense required thirty iron ingots plus ten iron chains. The most economical piece of armor, the iron bracers, still needed fifteen iron ingots! However, iron armor first required a crafting table or a blacksmith's forge. The blacksmith's forge, needless to say, not only required a lot of materials but also needed a blueprint or skill points to unlock it. A crafting table was slightly simpler, requiring one iron hammer plus fifty iron ingots, thirty copper ingots, and one hundred logs! At Jia Zhengjin's speed, it would take at least over a week to craft a crafting table. But he couldn't not make one, because many more useful items could only be crafted through a crafting table! Time to mine! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 12

    Chapter 12: Fish Meat for Dinner On the third day after being transported to another world, Jia Zhengjin was cleaning up mushroom corpses near his stone house. More mushrooms had appeared overnight, walking right into the traps around the house. This irritated Jia Zhengjin, as these mushrooms were poisonous and useless except for making mushroom headdresses! If they were edible, it might have been acceptable, but he didn't think his stomach could handle the toxins. Many traps were damaged, wasting a lot of logs for repairs. "Hm?" While cleaning up, he unexpectedly found a huge centipede about five or six meters long under the mushroom corpses. The centipede's body was pierced by the spikes, clearly as dead as it could be. "Thank goodness for the spikes. If this centipede had gotten into the house, I'd have been in big trouble!" Jia Zhengjin was startled and hurried to examine it. He found a [Poison Sac] and [Strange Silk] on the centipede's body. [Poison Sac]: contains a potent venom that, when applied to arrows or weapons, could paralyze targets. [Strange Silk]: extremely tough silk, that could be used to make good quality fabric with a loom. "These are great finds!" Jia Zhengjin's eyes lit up. The poison sac could be used to coat weapons with its poison, making it easier to kill the paralyzed opponents. The strange silk could be woven into fabric, surely making high-quality clothes. However, he needed a loom, which he couldn't make yet. "Awoo~~" Inside the room, the little kobold suddenly started calling out, probably hungry from not having breakfast. "Stop yelling, Little Gray!" After making and setting up new ground spikes traps around the house and disposing of the mushroom and centipede corpses, Jia Zhengjin picked up his stone spear and called out, "I haven't had breakfast either. I'm going to the river to fish now. Wait a bit, and there'll be food soon!" The little kobold couldn't understand him and continued calling enthusiastically from inside the house. Jia Zhengjin took his stone spear to the riverside and crouched down to observe carefully. The river water was very clear, allowing him to see the dense aquatic plants and strange fish swimming among the plants and rocks. "Thunk!" Jia Zhengjin tried to spear a fat, large fish, but as expected, it easily escaped. Unsatisfied, he tried a few more times with the same result. The fish in the river swam too fast to be caught with a stone spear. "If only I had the fishing net or fish cages blueprints, or had any skill points to use. Then I could easily make a net or a fishing cage and catch these big fish!" Jia Zhengjin sighed, settling for looking for slower-moving creatures in the river. Luck was on his side, and he soon spotted a seemingly clumsy large fish with what looked like a lamp hanging from its head. This fish swam leisurely, showing no signs of hurrying. Even when he threw a stone at it, it continued moving slowly, unbothered. "Breakfast! My breakfast! Haha~~" Jia Zhengjin's eyes gleamed as he eagerly tossed aside his stone spear and waded into the water, reaching out with both hands to grab the big fish. He felt this big fish was so stupid it couldn't possibly escape. And he was right - the fish was easily caught in his hands and dragged to the surface. A feast awaited! Such a fat fish could provide two meals! Jia Zhengjin was excited that such a dumb fish existed in this other world. How adorable! However, his joy was short-lived as he forgot that otherworld creatures were often unpredictable! This seemingly stupid and clumsy big fish, once out of the water, suddenly emitted a strong electric current from its head's "lamp". Jia Zhengjin, who was hugging it ecstatically, immediately went numb and started convulsing, involuntarily releasing his grip. "Splash!" The big fish returned to the water, continuing to move slowly. Jia Zhengjin, blackened by the electricity, lay twitching on the shore. Half an hour later, he finally came to. The big fish had swum away, leaving only static electricity as proof that it wasn't a dream. "An electric fish!" Jia Zhengjin, having barely recovered, shouted angrily at the river, "I'll catch you and use you as a generator someday!" Alas! The fast-swimming fish couldn't be caught, and the slow one could generate electricity. If not for good luck, dangerous creatures would have appeared nearby, and wild beasts would have eaten Jia Zhengjin during his half-hour of unconsciousness! This time, he became much more cautious, not daring to enter the river to catch fish barehanded. Who knew what other special abilities these otherworld fish might possess besides electrocution? But his growling stomach urged him to find food quickly. After two days of eating coconuts, he really wanted a change of taste! Sitting by the riverside, deep in thought, he suddenly had an idea. He remembered the poison sac he had found on the giant centipede. If applying it to weapons could paralyze enemies, would it work if poured into the water? His thoughts quickly led to him taking action! Jia Zhengjin immediately retrieved the poison sac from his virtual backpack and dropped it on the ground, carefully piercing it with his stone spear. He didn't dare touch it directly, given its effect. The stone spear's tip turned greenish with the venom. Jia Zhengjin carefully placed this spear into the river, stirring gently a few times. Splash~~ The poison proved highly effective. The nearest fish began to flop around, and within seconds, they floated belly-up, motionless. "Haha~! So simple!" Jia Zhengjin immediately used his stone spear to pierce these floating fish one by one, bringing them ashore. The poison sac's effect was remarkable; the paralyzed fish didn't struggle, allowing him to collect them. One poison sac yielded five or six large fish, it was quite a good deal. Other fish were unaffected, likely because the poison was diluted in the water, so only the nearest fish were impacted in the first few seconds. "Wahaha~~ Fish for dinner today, how fragrant~~" Jia Zhengjin happily took out his knife to scale the caught fish, buried the innards in the soil, then washed the fish clean and brought them back to roast over the campfire. With no pot available, roasting was the only cooking method. And without salt or seasonings, he wondered if the fish would taste bland. But regardless, there was meat to eat today! Pots and seasonings would have to be made eventually, but for now, this would do. "Awoo~~" The little kobold, probably smelling the fish, crawled out from the gap. It stopped its random calling and quietly watched the roasting fish, drooling. Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 11

    Chapter 11: Your Name is Little Gray Upon returning home, Jia Zhengjin tied the little Koblold to the wooden box. As soon as it touched the ground, the little creature quickly squeezed into the gap between the box and the wall, with only a trembling rope visible. "Coward!" Jia Zhengjin chuckled, glancing at the Kobold hiding its head like an ostrich. There was still some time before sunset. Jia Zhengjin locked the little kobold inside and went to the back of the house with his iron axe to chop trees and clear grass. While collecting logs and plant fibers, he could also expand the foundation area, making it convenient to build more buildings in the future! To survive well in this other world, a single stone house wasn't enough. As his level increased, skill points could be used to unlock new technologies. He would need space for facilities like A blacksmith's shop to forge higher quality tools and weapons, a watchtower to expand vision and scout the surroundings, an alchemy lab to concoct magical potions, and even the chance to unlock a [Mechanical Factory] in the late game to produce modern high-tech weapons! All of those needed to be built step by step. Rome wasn't built in a day! With patience, Jia Zhengjin believed he could build a fully modernized otherworld city of his own, just like in the game! But it was exhausting~~ After working continuously for two to three hours, Jia Zhengjin's body felt sore and tired, his body reached its limit! Despite still having stamina points, his physical body couldn't keep up. "Since I've been transported to another world with game-like abilities, couldn't they have also modified me to never need rest or get tired like a game character?" Jia Zhengjin complained, putting away his iron axe and returning with a backpack full of logs and plant fibers. "Today's food is still coconuts..." Sitting by the campfire, Jia Zhengjin sipped coconut juice while longing for delicious meat, "It seems I'll need to find a way to improve my diet tomorrow. If only I hadn't buried the kobolds' corpses earlier, perhaps kobold meat would taste good?" Thinking of kobold meat, he couldn't help but look back at the little kobold hiding behind the wooden box. Though small, it would probably be enough for a few meals, right? As soon as the thought occurred, he shook his head: "Forget it, I don't eat dog meat, and I couldn't bring myself to harm such a small kobold child! I'll think of other ways tomorrow. Fishing is out without a crafting table for hooks, and I haven't mastered spear fishing yet! Maybe I can check if there's anything easier to catch in the river. Taste doesn't matter for now, as long as it's meat! Yeah, that's the plan!" If not for fear of encountering undead at night, Jia Zhengjin would have gone to the riverside right away. But he dared not venture into the forest at night, who knows what other dangerous nocturnal creatures might be out there besides the undead? At least staying at home was safe for now, and the surrounding ground spike traps provided some peace of mind, as long as those annoying mushrooms didn't show up again today. For now, he'd have to make do with coconut meat! Using his knife to dig out a large chunk of white coconut flesh, Jia Zhengjin imagined it was delicious chicken, indulging in his fantasy. "Awoo~~" Halfway through eating, he heard the pitiful whimpering of the little kobold, sounding cute and babyish. It was probably hungry too, so it mustered the courage to crawl out from the gap, cautiously observing Jia Zhengjin. "Little Gray, are you hungry too?" Jia Zhengjin turned around, casually cutting a piece of coconut meat and tossing it over, "Can you eat this?" The little kobold couldn't understand Jia Zhengjin's Mandarin, otherwise, it would surely protest being called such a common name. Though it probably didn't know that in rural areas on Earth, most dogs were simply named Little Gray... Seeing Jia Zhengjin turn around, the little kobold immediately scurried back into the gap, trembling. After a while, when nothing unusual happened, it cautiously poked its head out and noticed the coconut meat thrown nearby. Jia Zhengjin pretended not to see and continued eating his coconut with his back turned. The kobold hesitated for a moment, then finally reached out with its paw to grab the coconut meat while keeping an eye on the back of Jia Zhengjin's head. It curiously sniffed the coconut meat, then blinked and stuck out its little tongue to taste it. Apparently finding it edible, it immediately stuffed it into its mouth and began chewing eagerly. Honestly, just watching it eat, one might mistake it for a human child. Jia Zhengjin tossed over a few more pieces of coconut meat. The little kobold always hid first. Only when Jia Zhengjin pretended to turn away would it cautiously take the coconut meat and continue eating. Jia Zhengjin ate until his stomach was full, and the little kobold's belly became round too. It was clear that this little creature was definitely an omnivore, eating both meat and plants, just like Jia Zhengjin! Although it had eaten Jia Zhengjin's food, the little kobold was still very afraid of him and quickly retreated to hide in the gap. Jia Zhengjin had kept pets before, so he knew that initially, in a strange environment, facing an unfamiliar owner, small animals would behave this way. With time and interaction, they would gradually become familiar with their new environment and no longer afraid! So he didn't bother the little kobold now, letting it hide while he retrieved twelve iron ingots he had successfully smelted earlier from the now-extinguished furnace. With the iron axe and pickaxe, he didn't need other tools for now. A stone shovel was enough for digging holes and making traps; there was no need for a good iron shovel. After all, resources were limited in the early stages. Moreover, unlike in games where characters could respawn after death, if Jia Zhengjin died, it would likely be a permanent Game Over! So he used these twelve iron ingots to make what was currently most suitable - a [Poor Quality Iron Shield]. With this low-quality shield, he would have a chance to turn the tide when facing some not-so-large monsters. For example, when encountering skeletons like those on the beach earlier, Jia Zhengjin believed he could defeat them head-on with the iron shield in his left hand and a stone spear in his right! Of course, if he encountered that giant bird that could use lightning or the fire-breathing giant snake, it wouldn't make much difference! Even the triceratops he saw during the day could easily crush him despite the shield. This world was still very dangerous, and he had to remain humble at all times! Reminding himself of this, Jia Zhengjin put away the shield and took out the stone blocks, logs, and plant fibers he had collected during the day. He began crafting stone axes to increase his tool-crafting level. One last push before going to sleep! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 1

    Chapter 1: You Are Already Dead The Internet cafe is filled with a cloud of smokey air, and there is a lingering smell of smelly feet mixed in with the cigarette smoke covering the cafe. In the corner, Jia Zhengjin stared at the computer screen, his fingers skillfully operating the keyboard and the mouse in front of him. "Jia Zhengjin!" Someone patted his shoulder from behind. "Just a moment! Haven't you seen that my castle is about to be completed?" Jia Zhengjin didn't even turn his head, "We'll talk later if you have something to talk about!" "Jia Zhengjin!" The person behind him patted his shoulder again. "I said wait a moment!" Jia Zhengjin waved his hand, continuing to control the character in the game. Half an hour later, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "After more than a month, I finally built the castle! Haha!" "Jia Zhengjin!" At this moment, the person behind him patted him again. "Who is it?" Jia Zhengjin turned around and saw a man in black clothes and sunglasses looking at him. He didn't know this man, so he was curious why the other party knew his name and wearing sunglasses at night, wasn't that too flamboyant? Can he see clearly? "Jia Zhengjin, are you done?" the man in black asked with a smile. "I'm done! What's the matter? you can tell me why you wanted to talk to me!" Jia Zhengjin looked at the man in black and asked. The man in black pulled out a chair from the side and sat down facing him, saying, "Do you know who I am?" "If I knew who you were, why would I ask you to tell me why you wanted to speak to me? what nonsense!" Jia Zhengjin thought to himself that this person must be crazy. The man in black smiled and said, looking kindly at Jia Zhengjin, "I'm a ghost messenger from the underworld, number DF10019! I'm here on a special trip to find you today." "You're really talking nonsense! Are you saying that I'm about to die?" Jia Zhengjin laughed dismissively. "You are not about to die," the man in black raised his hands, "you have been dead for about three days! I am here to take you to catch the last train of the month to the six paths of reincarnation!" "You're making a big deal out of nothing then! If there's still a train going to the six-path, why don't you just give me a ticket?" Jia Zhengjin laughed, not believing the other party at all. "That train has already left!" The man in black looked at him and said, "I tried to get your attention several times just like now, but you were so addicted to the game you were playing that you missed the last train of the month!" "Aren't you just spouting nonsense? If I'm already dead, how could I miss the train just because I was addicted to a game? Nonsense! if you want to cheat money out of me that way, you've tried to scam the wrong person!" Jia Zhengjin shook his head disdainfully. The man in black shook his head, "I'm not lying to you! Jia Zhengjin, although you died suddenly in this life due to being addicted to gaming, you have not done anything bad, and occasionally helped others, this barely makes you considered a good person. Counting your previous eight lives, it adds up to you being considered barely a good person in nine lives…" "A good person in nine lives is a good person in nine lives. Why add the word 'barely'?" Jia Zhengjin asked speechlessly. "Because if my boss didn't want to show off his achievements to the higher-ups, you are actually still a bit short of being considered a good person in nine lives!" The man in black answered seriously. "But in order to make his records look better in the eyes of the higher-ups, you are lucky to be chosen by my boss! If you can be reincarnated, my boss can gain a lot of merit and then get a promotion and a raise. However, since the train to the six paths of reincarnation has already left, you currently have no way to be reborn!" "So what should I do?" Jia Zhengjin simply asked the other party. "It's simple! Although you missed the six-path train, since you are barely considered a good person in nine lives, as long as you make a wish, and I help you fulfill it, there will still be merit given as a reward". The man in black said. "Whatever wish you have, just say it, and I can help you achieve it!" "Really?" Jia Zhengjin asked, "Since you said the last train for this month has left, can't I just wait for next month's train?" "Of course not! Because if a good person in nine lives doesn't reincarnate, they will inevitably turn into a very terrifying ghost within a month! You won't be able to catch the next train. The underworld is currently severely understaffed, making it difficult to allocate manpower to subdue ghosts. If the world falls into chaos at that time, it will be a big problem! However, as long as we fulfill one of your wishes, and eliminate the attachments and grievances in your heart, then nothing will happen. So you can tell me your wish now, no matter what it is, I can help you achieve it!" "I've been playing games my whole life and haven't had enough, I want to live in a game world for the rest of my life, can you help me with that?" Jia Zhengjin mocked. The man in black thought for a moment then took out a strange machine from his pocket and quickly pressed a few buttons. "If that's your wish, Then I will help you achieve it! However, since you have already died in this world, I can only move your soul to another world! " "Bro, you're too funny! Are there many different worlds out there?" Jia Zhengjin laughed, his eyes full of disdain. "Do you think the Three Thousand Worlds saying is a lie? The so-called three thousand worlds is not just the number three thousand, but it refers to the endless number of worlds! There exist countless worlds in this universe, and where we are now is just one of them. Of course, mortals will not understand that, nor do they need to understand it." "What? You're talking as if what you're saying is true!". Jia Zhengjin stood up. "Bro, I won't keep you company! I need to save the data of this castle and then build a villa when I get home!" "Don't be in such a hurry! The process to fulfill your wish has already started, This machine will take you to a random world, and then use a body in that world to resurrect you. In that world, the typical sandbox game principles you like will be applied. You are the protagonist of this game, and you can do the same things as in any sandbox game! You can do whatever you want in that world, gain complete freedom, and play however you want for the rest of your life! But there is one thing, After I get merit from you here, and you realize your wish, your connection with this world will be forcibly broken, after dying again, your soul will not be controlled by the underworld here. So you'd better pray that there is a soul management system in the random world you will be sent to, and it's best if it is a friendly soul management system, otherwise, I can only wish you good luck! " "Are you still insisting on your story? I need to get back to my house and get some sleep so I can't keep listening to you" "Don't worry! I will help send you to the world we talked about right away!". The man in black raised the machine in his hand, and it emitted a dazzling light, "After the issue of merit is settled, you will have your connection with this world cut off, so please take care of yourself!" Jia Zhengjin wanted to say something, but a strong light hit his eyes. He screamed in pain and then lost consciousness in an instant... Check out Building a New World  under Novels in   to read more chapters or go to Early access plans  to access chapters before they are released

  • Building a New World - Chapter 10

    Chapter 10: Kobold Pet Jia Zhengjin climbed down from the tree, first scoffing at the kobold tribe that had abandoned their comrades and scattered, disappearing in an instant. Then, gripping his stone spear, he approached the edge of the trap and shouted at the kobolds who had fallen in: "Hands up!" "Awooo~ Awooo~" The trapped kobolds couldn't understand Jia Zhengjin's Mandarin at all. They bared their teeth and snarled in warning at him. Despite their small size, when they opened their mouths to reveal rows of sharp teeth, they were quite intimidating! One of the kobolds even desperately tried to jump out of the trap, ferociously attempting to lunge at Jia Zhengjin. It seemed that although kobolds walked upright, they didn't possess human-level intelligence. They were simply a special kind of wild animal. All their behaviors were driven by the animal instincts of attack and defense! Realizing this, Jia Zhengjin discarded his hesitation. He immediately raised his stone spear and thrust it forcefully at the most active kobold—the black-furred one trying desperately to jump out. "-11!" A blood-red number popped up above the kobold's head, and Jia Zhengjin also saw its health: 89/100. With one kobold injured, the others in the trap panicked. They immediately stopped snarling and turned to dig at the earth with their short legs, trying to burrow their way out. Jia Zhengjin was dumbfounded by this situation. How spineless could they be? He had expected them to put up some resistance at least. No wonder the main group had fled without a trace; they were just a bunch of cowards putting on a brave face! Since that was the case, he was more than happy to beat these cowards while they were down. The kobolds, trapped in a pit twice their height, had no way to jump out. Meanwhile, Jia Zhengjin's stone spear could easily reach any of them from above. Soon, the black kobold was the first to fall. [Message]: You have killed a kobold! You gained 30 experience points. Unexpectedly, these cowardly kobolds yielded even more experience than skeletons! Could these weak creatures actually be stronger than undead skeletons? Jia Zhengjin needed 200 experience points to level up from level 2 to 3. He already had about 60 points remaining after his last level-up from killing skeletons and destroying the mushrooms. In other words, another 140 experience points would be enough to level him up! There were five kobolds trapped in total. At 30 points per kobold, it was enough for him to reach level 3! He couldn't miss such a good opportunity, so he immediately went on a killing spree, quickly eliminating all the kobolds in the traps. After successfully reaching level 3, he would need 400 experience points to get to level 4. Essentially, each level up required double the experience of the previous one, and so on. It was easy in the early stages, but leveling up would become increasingly difficult in the later stages! The five kobolds yielded one [Poor Quality Wooden Club] and one [Dog Tooth Necklace]. Of the two spoils, Jia Zhengjin could actually craft the wooden club himself, and the poor quality club had even lower attack power than the stone spear, so he discarded it. The dog tooth necklace, however, had a +1 attack attribute, which was somewhat helpful to him, so he immediately hung it around his neck. With kobolds providing such high experience and being so easy to kill, Jia Zhengjin wanted to seize the opportunity to eliminate more and level up rapidly. However, after chasing them for a while, he discovered that the rest had long since vanished without a trace. "They'll definitely come back. I'll reset the traps first!" Jia Zhengjin dragged the kobold corpses out of the traps and buried them in a hole he dug elsewhere. Then he re-camouflaged the traps before carefully making his way back home through the bushes. Once home, he immediately took out the ten iron ingots he had smelted yesterday and used the precious skill point he had just gained from leveling up to learn [Iron Tool Crafting Mastery]. This allowed him to craft iron tools that were sharper and more durable than the current stone tools. Using ten iron ingots and two wooden sticks, he successfully crafted an iron pickaxe. He was incredibly lucky! The first iron tool he crafted in this world turned out to be of [Normal] quality. Being able to create normal quality items with just the level 2 crafting skill involved a significant element of luck. Jia Zhengjin was overjoyed. He took the iron pickaxe out and began mining the nearby stones. The efficiency was indeed more than twice that of a stone pickaxe, and the iron ore yield was higher too. This made him so happy, he started singing as he worked, with the clinking sounds of mining echoing by the riverside. After gathering some iron ore, he immediately returned home and threw it into the furnace, adding charcoal as fuel to start smelting the ore. He put all the stone blocks from his inventory into the wooden chest, then went out to work again. When he returned for the second time, there were ten more iron ingots in the furnace. Jia Zhengjin used these ten ingots to craft an iron axe, then threw the iron ore he mined this time into the furnace. This time his luck wasn't as good; the iron axe he crafted was only a [Poor] quality axe, but it was still considerably better than a stone axe. "This many stones should be enough for now. Before dark, I can still collect plenty of logs and plant fibers. Tonight, I'll work hard to level up my tool crafting skill to level 3!" Jia Zhengjin made his plan. "But before that, I'll go back and check if the traps caught any animals. I might as well gain as much experience as possible!" A day of labor was quite tiring, after all, He wasn't a true game character who could work indefinitely. When playing games, Jia Zhengjin would control his character to mine and kill monsters non-stop for 24 hours to level up. But in reality, he needed rest and sleep, which was already quite time-consuming. If he could do more, he'd rather not sit around! Quickly returning to the trap site, he found that two of the traps had unfortunately been crushed by some large animal. It was probably the triceratops he had seen earlier. Of the other two traps, one remained intact and untriggered. Only one trap had successfully caught prey, but to Jia Zhengjin's disappointment, it contained just a single, smaller kobold! While the other kobolds were about a meter tall, this kobold was less than 0.5 meters, and its fur looked soft and tender. Unlike adult kobolds who initially showed fierce expressions and aggressive growls when facing enemies, only to flee in fear after being attacked, this little kobold had already curled up into a ball and was whimpering pitifully before Jia Zhengjin even made a move. "How could I bring myself to harm such a small kobold?" Jia Zhengjin couldn't lower his raised stone spear, but he was also reluctant to simply release an animal he had worked so hard to capture. A sudden idea struck him. He looked for some grass on the spot to collect plant fibers and crafted the collected plant fibers into a rope. He jumped down into the pit and picked up the little kobold, which didn't even dare to resist. He tied the rope around its neck and took it home. After all, he had nothing better to do, so having a pet wouldn't be bad! Although kobolds walked upright, they were essentially dogs, weren't they? Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

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