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  • Building a New World - Chapter 16

    Chapter 16: Dangerous Struggle The kobolds were short and small targets, making them difficult to hit from a distance, especially since Jia Zhengjin's archery skills were quite poor. However, once they got closer, it was a different story! As one kobold approached within just a dozen meters, Jia Zhengjin drew his bow again. "Thwack!" This time, he accurately shot it in the neck. The unfortunate kobold was knocked down by the force of the arrow. Although it wouldn’t die immediately, the poison he had coated the arrow with took effect, leaving it to lie motionless on the ground, waiting for death. Seeing that he finally hit his target, Jia Zhengjin’s morale soared. He quickly retreated while shooting, and two more unlucky kobolds were shot, with the arrows piercing through their bodies, leaving them paralyzed by the poison due to their reckless charge. “Argh~~” Despite what happened, the kobolds did not immediately back down. Instead, they roared and surged forward like a swarm. With no way to continue his hit-and-run tactics and unwilling to abandon the otherworldly human, Jia Zhengjin gritted his teeth and stowed his bow in his backpack. He raised his shield with his left hand and brandished his spear with his right, charging straight intending to engage the kobolds in a melee fight ! “Clang! Clang! Clang…” Among the kobolds, about half were still focused on their hostage, while the remaining ten surrounded Jia Zhengjin. This was still a considerable number, and he was quickly overwhelmed, forced to block the incoming blows with his iron shield. Despite its coverage, he couldn’t avoid all the strikes from the kobolds clubs arriving from all directions, which landed hard on him. The intense pain stimulated Jia Zhengjin, especially when these short, unintelligent creatures were piling blows on him, igniting his rage. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he began to retaliate with wild thrusts of his iron spear. The spear was also coated with poison, and the electric discharge that accompanied his attacks caught the kobolds off guard. Two of them, who were closest and had been attacking him most frequently, were struck by the spear’s tip, and in an instant, their skin was torn open. They fell to the ground, convulsing from the paralysis poison afflicting them. “Thwack!” Jia Zhengjin pressed on, stabbing forcefully into one kobold's body, then kicking it aside. “Clang!” Before he could relish his small victory, another kobold struck him hard on the head with a wooden club. Dizziness washed over him, and he felt a warm liquid trickling down his face. “Blood?” He wiped his face with his sleeve and found it immediately stained red, his vision gradually becoming blurry. It was a critical hit! His health suddenly dropped by over 20 points. With the relentless assault from the kobolds, his health plummeted from a 100 to a dangerous 51! Jia Zhengjin roared in anger; if this continued, not only would he fail to save the girl, but he would end up dead himself. He had no intention of dying so easily! With that thought in mind, he forced himself to endure the pain and swung his iron spear with renewed vigor, sending electric sparks flying. After an extended battle, as Jia Zhengjin's stamina dwindled to about 20 points—nearing a critical state—the number of kobolds surrounding him finally decreased from ten to three. Just as he felt he couldn’t hold on any longer, the kobolds finally showed signs of retreat! “Argh~~” They howled at Jia Zhengjin but began to fear the electric power emanating from his spear. Finally, they turned around and fled. However, they were still carrying the hostage. After all the effort he’d put in, almost losing his life, there was no way he would allow their escape to go unchallenged! He quickly switched back to his bow and arrows, trying to push past his current condition and attempting to pursue them, aiming for the kobold carrying the blonde girl. “Thwack!” The arrow flew swiftly, accurately hitting the girl's left foot. “Ah——!” The blonde girl let out a sharp scream, then fell into a paralyzed state due to the poison. “Damn it!” Jia Zhengjin felt embarrassed; his archery skills were truly disgraceful. He had intended to save her but nearly ended up hurting her instead! Fortunately, it only struck her foot, and the poison merely caused paralysis, not death. He quickly nocked another arrow, finally managing to hit one of the kobolds carrying the girl. “Thud!” One kobold fell to the ground, causing the others to lose their balance and the blonde girl to tumble into the grass. The kobolds quickly realized what had happened and attempted to pick up the girl again. But Jia Zhengjin kept firing arrows, and another unlucky kobold was shot through the head, dying instantly! “Argh~~” Completely demoralized, the kobolds abandoned the girl they had intended to eat, turning and scattering into the dense woods. With only 19 health points left, having lost another point due to bleeding after the chase. Jia Zhengjin felt increasingly weak. He began urgently searching the area and soon discovered several patches of [Green Herbs]. The forest was rich in medicinal plants, and green herbs were among them. However, without a constructed alchemy lab, he couldn’t use them to make potions. The basic green herbs could only restore 1 health point each. Luckily, they also had a hemostatic property. His immediate problem wasn’t restoring health but stopping the bleeding. Many herbs had hemostatic effects, and stopping the bleeding from his head wound was his top priority. Using the green herbs for hemostasis, he consumed a few, raising his health points to 30. Although still weak, he was at least temporarily out of danger. Jia Zhengjin walked over to the blonde girl, squatting down to take a closer look at her. From a distance, he could only vaguely see her figure, but now up close, he found that beneath her messy golden hair is a very beautiful face. Her eyebrows were curved like crescent moons. Her large eyes sparkled like two brilliant sapphires, and her long eyelashes framed them perfectly. She had a high, straight nose and a small mouth—she was truly a classic Western beauty. In his past life before coming here, she would definitely be qualified to be a movie star! However, at the moment, the blonde girl stared wide-eyed and motionless, still under the effects of the paralyzing poison. Taking advantage of her paralysis and her temporary resistance to pain due to the poison, Jia Zhengjin awkwardly grasped the arrow lodged in her calf and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that! But hey, at least I saved you. Let’s just forget about that arrow I shot, okay? I’m going to pull it out and bandage you up now; it won’t hurt, I promise!" Jia Zhengjin pulled out the arrow and stowed it in his backpack, then quickly crushed a green herb to apply it to her leg wound. He then picked a broad leaf from a tree, using plant fibers to make a makeshift bandage and secured it with a stick. "Wait here for a moment!" Jia Zhengjin said to the immobile blonde girl, regardless of whether she could understand him. He turned around and raised his iron spear to finish off the paralyzed kobolds one by one. Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 15

    Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

  • Building a New World - Chapter 20 🔒

    Chapter 20: Taming the Kobold Jia Zhengjin had accumulated quite a number of logs over the past few days. With the logs he stored in the wooden chest before, he was confident that he would have enough logs to craft the beast pen. He hadn’t mined any ore last night, so he only had 210 iron ores now. If he put in some effort today, he could definitely gather the remaining iron ore he needed to build the beast pen! As for the ropes required for the beast pen, he had plenty of plant fibers, so that was not an issue at all. As for the last thing he needed for the beast pen, the copper ore. He believed that with some diligence, he could mine the required 500 today. To build the beast pen and lessen his workload, Jia Zhengjin decided to cancel all other activities for the day and focus entirely on mining iron and copper ores. He aimed to finish building the beast pen tonight or by the next day! Normally, he would only mine around 200 iron ores a day before moving on to other tasks, as mining was the most exhausting for him! Twenty iron ores are required to smelt one iron ingot, which means that, usually, he would make around ten ingots in a day. But today, he prioritized mining. No matter how tired he felt, he was determined to push through—after taming wild beasts, his hard days would be over! Jia Zhengjin was a man of action. He immediately grabbed his iron pickaxe and began working fervently. Starting early in the morning, he mined near his home. During breaks, he would sit down to rest and sip on coconut juice. With the encouraging morning kiss from Tina, he felt an endless surge of motivation! By lunchtime, he had successfully mined enough iron ore. Excited, he rushed home to roast meat with Tina and Little Gray. After lunch, he immediately went back out to find a spot where he could mine copper ore and got to work with fervor. After several hours of labor in the afternoon, and with plenty of time before sunset, Jia Zhengjin suddenly felt his muscles ache from exhaustion and he couldn’t exert any strength. He hadn’t accounted for his current stamina and strength, and the high-intensity mining had left him drained. He had only mined around 200 copper ores, still far from the required 500 copper ores, and he had also worried Tina, who had stayed up all night taking care of him. Fortunately, with his special abilities, when he woke up the next day, his health and stamina were fully restored, and he felt revitalized! “Thank you for your hard work!” Seeing Tina, who had not slept well while keeping watch over him throughout the night, Jia Zhengjin softly said, trying not to wake her. After sharing some roasted meat with Little Gray, he placed a portion next to Tina before heading out with his iron pickaxe again. As usual, he first checked the traps, eliminating a few kobolds and strange creatures that had fallen in. He then quickly returned to focus on mining copper ore. After all his effort to mine the remaining copper ore, he finally managed to gather 500 copper ores before lunchtime! Now that he had enough logs, iron, copper, and ropes, he would be able to build the beast pen when he got back! When Jia Zhengjin returned, he found that Tina had already eaten breakfast and was now asleep again. There was no helping it; after all, she had nothing else to do at home, and she hadn’t slept well the night before. Little Gray’s barking woke the sleeping Tina. Upon seeing Jia Zhengjin, she quickly sat up, drowsily untangling her messy golden hair. “Time for lunch!” Jia Zhengjin could only roast meat again. Noticing that Tina seemed to be getting a bit tired of it, he pulled out a coconut, opened it, and handed it to her. Tina looked at him with affection, then lowered her head to sip the coconut’s juice while delicately eating the roasted meat, as if it somehow tasted even better now. “Just endure for a few more days! I’ll build the beast pen soon, and then we can get some wild beasts to help me gather resources!” Jia Zhengjin gently wiped the grease off her small mouth with his hand, “As long as we have enough resources, after making the crafting table, I can craft a pot that we can use to cook even more delicious food!” Tina didn’t understand what he was saying, but she smiled shyly, clearly enjoying the rough sensation of his hand brushing against her cheek. “Little Gray!” Jia Zhengjin glanced at the kobold hiding in the crevice, “You’re going to be my test subject later, alright? If kobolds can be tamed, I’ll find you some companions!” Little Gray ignored him, focused solely on devouring its meat. After finishing lunch, Jia Zhengjin took out the resources in the wooden chest and set out with the blueprint and his backpack full of resources. Quietly giving the command to use the blueprint, the beast pen construction blueprint transformed into light and disappeared, revealing a massive beast pen framework before him, along with a prompt that read, “Please select the construction location for the beast pen!” If the ground was uneven or there were objects in the way, the display would indicate that construction couldn’t occur, turning the framework red. In contrast, suitable areas would turn the framework green. Tina was peeking out from the doorway, watching Jia Zhengjin. she saw him raise his hands and point to the empty space to the right of the house, then a circular area enclosed by a wooden fence appeared, complete with a wooden feeding trough and a haystack. Having seen this magical scene, Tina couldn’t help but gasp in amazement. [Beast Pen Lv1]: Can tame up to 2 wild beasts at once. At the next level, it can tame 4. Materials required to upgrade: 4000 logs, 1000 iron ore, 1000 copper ore, 200 ropes! “Only two wild beasts can be tamed with a Level 1 beast pen?” Jia Zhengjin felt a bit disappointed; this was not what he expected. But on second thought, two beasts were still acceptable! He could always upgrade the beast pen later! Feeling a bit better, he thought about the various possibilities. The test subject for testing the beast pen would undoubtedly be Little Gray, since kobolds were the easiest to catch in traps. Although they walked upright like humans and could wield wooden clubs, they should still be classified as beasts, right? Jia Zhengjin turned to the astonished Tina and waved, pointing back into the room, “Tina, bring Little Gray out!” Tina didn’t understand his words but recognized her name and Little Gray’s, quickly understanding. She went inside and led the kobold back to Jia Zhengjin’s side. “Tina, you’re so smart!” Jia Zhengjin took the rope and gently stroked her silky golden hair. Tina immediately displayed a blissful expression, clearly enjoying this gesture. “Little Gray, don’t be afraid!” Turning to the timid kobold, Jia Zhengjin forcibly pulled it in front of the beast pen. [Message]: Found a tamable beast [Kobold]. Would you like to place it in the beast pen? Of course, he selected “Yes!” Jia Zhengjin clicked to confirm in the virtual interface, and Little Gray immediately vanished, reappearing inside the beast pen. “Aw~~” Little Gray, now in an unfamiliar fenced area, began to panic and run around frantically, barking loudly. Jia Zhengjin noticed the options of [Feed], [Calm], [Tame], and [Release] in front of the feeding trough. He quickly selected “Calm.” Little Gray immediately quieted down, sitting still on the ground. “Interesting!” Jia Zhengjin then clicked on "Tame." [Message]: Taming the Kobold will take 1 hour. Would you like to continue? Of course, he clicked “Yes” without hesitation! Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access chapters before they are released.

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    Latest Updates Building a New World - Chapter 17 🔒 Chapter 17: The Girl Tina The kobolds didn’t leave him with much loot; the wooden clubs they dropped were all of poor quality. However,... Building a New World - Chapter 16 🔒 Chapter 16: Dangerous Struggle The kobolds were short and small targets, making them difficult to hit from a distance, especially since... Building a New World - Chapter 15 🔒 Check out Building a New World under Novels in to read more chapters or go to Early access plans to access... Building a New World - Chapter 14 Chapter 14: A Giant Bird Falls from the Sky On the fourth day since reincarnating here, Jia Zhengjin was finally free from worries about... 1 2 3 4 5 About us Cherry Translations is a translation group that translates Asian novels and shares them with others to enjoy. Please note that Cherry Translations as a group doesn't depend on novel translation as our main source of income. Even if no one supports us by buying Early access plans, we will still try to stick to our release schedule while trying to minimize our running costs. ​If a novel we are translating is getting licensed or if the author of such a novel doesn't want us to translate the novel, let us know and we will stop translating the novel. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Enter your email here Sign Up Thanks for submitting!

  • Building a New World novel| Cherry Translations

    Building a new world “Who stole the tiles off my walls?” The king roared and looked up at his castle walls after getting up.​ “Your Majesty, don’t worry about the wall tiles for now!” said the guard. “Your crown is gone!”​ Jia Zhengjin with the missing crown in his hands looked at the newly built stable in front of him with satisfaction: “Yes! These tiles are more beautiful than those made by me before. I will dig up some more at night!” Release frequency: 3 new chapters every week. Chapters released: Chapter Published Date

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